Artistic views of Colouring Idea

Colouring Idea is an art and artistic performance. The term colouring idea has been synthesized by the guidance of many historical colour therories. Colour theory is a body of practical guidance to colour mixing and the visual effects of a specific colour combination. The scientific definition emerged in the late 19th century. Many appearances came and joined in the colour graphics, searching about their real position. Newman, Rothko, and Still, the three jewels abstract impressionists started their journey in the late 1940’s. Their journey began with a gesture paintings-colours, and end with the widely recognized by critics. Newman was searching for an abstract art that might do away with all figurative or quasi-figurative motifs. An abstract form could be a "living thing," he wrote in the exhibition's influential catalogue essay, "a vehicle for an abstract thought-complex." It would be more real and present than a form that was merely abstracted from nature or an object. However, we are defining some colouring idea in different sense of different artistic perceptions. Interestingly there will be some active positions of violent rulers, even some other real optimists, whose contributions much effective in the sense.

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