Rue District11

Quote or greeting

This should be relevant to your character. It can either be a quote from the story (“words of the wiser” quotes work well for this!) or it could be a famous quote that relates to your character.

Give me a sling shot and I will hit you

About me

This should be in paragraph form.

I'm the smallest and pretty sure the youngest in the games.i have nice shot with my slingshot and a few pebbles. I am very quiet and fast moving, I can hide. Grew up in district 11 where there's a lot of tracker jackers nest os when I saw katniss under it I knew that they would do a lot of damage to the careers, I knew that helps those stings so I would go out and get the thing to help katniss if she got stung.

My latest blog entry

Choose a defining moment or other important moment from your book and write a blog entry about it from your character’s perspective. This should not just be a summary of what happened! It needs to be a detailed description that captures your character’s voice and reflects their thoughts and emotions. This should be 1-3 paragraphs long.

I point out that their is a tracker jacker nest above katniss as she starts to saw it down I vanish off to get medicine to help katniss’s stings. As I go I hear screaming and Cato run past me with peeta. When i was collecting the leaves to help the stings i was katniss walking loopy and stumbling. As i follow her i see this little creator where i bring he down into to take out the stingers and put on the leaves.She wakes up a hour later, only to find herself in New area. Soon after I feed her and give her some water and we discuss who is alive and who is on the careers side. This concludes my blog for today see you next time!

My interests and favorites

List skills, interests, and your character’s favorite things.

I like picking fruits and greens but if you go too far out of the district or youget out of line then the peacemakers will hurt your

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