James Karales Photographer and photo-essayist and best known for his work in Look magazine from 1960-1971

Rendville, Ohio - 1956

Where did the artist grow up/from ?

James Karales was born July 15, 1930 in Canton, Ohio. He later moved to rendville, ohio to do some photography. But later moved permanently to croton-on-hudson with his second wife and well he died there.
Rendville, Ohio -1956

What happened in their life that was memorable ?

He had gone to ohio university where he originally was supposed to study electrical engineering, but that didn't happen as you can see. Karales saw what his room-mate with a photography major could do with photography in a dark room so he switched his major to photography. later graduated with a bachelor of fine arts degree in 1955.
"1965, fifty-four-mile voting-rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, and his images from that event became iconic both for him and for the civil rights movement."

meaning of His work

well karales was one of those different photojournalist while they focused on the "brutally confrontation", karales took pictures of "the weight of history and the grace of art". Karales took photgraphs of pivotal events of the tumultuous era (civil rights movement and the vietnam war). but he also took pictures in new york's lowest east.
Montagnard Camp in South Vietnam - 1963
Rioting after s coup d'etat, Saigon. South Vietnam - November 1963
Selma to Montgomery March Alabama - 1965

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