Contopolis With peace anything is possible

We believe in a strong society with peace and prosperity . We will unite together to protect, serve, and help are nation.

Contopolis is a Representive Democracy


1 All citizens must watch the commercial to brain wash any hostile intention.

2 All citizens must take truth serum to keep peace.

3 Be nice to everyone.

4 Must own a weapon to keep are nation safe from invaders.

5 All citizens must work at least 5hrs a day, however if punished 8hr a day is required.

6 Everyone must contribute to keeping the peace and helping Contopolis.

7 Must keep healthy, and no drugs are permitted.

8 Everyone must be well educated.

9 Members have to have military training to defend Contoplis.

10 No vandalism of any kind.


Contopolis is located at easter island chili.

Typical Day

Members of Contopolis will wake up in the beautiful mornings go to work, then you have your free time were you can roam the island. After that you must go do a hour of service and go to bed, or do guard duty to help protect the island, were you receive a free breakfast.

Join Contopolis

By joining Contopolis you join a society of self-driven individuals who are committed to innovation and driven by the desire to move mankind forward. Every hardworking member of this great society will find themselves part of the greater good. Each individual working hard to better themselves and the lives of those around them. In this community, you will find abundant resources and the support of many bright and kind individuals. Plus, once a year it rains jelly beans.

Created By
Conner Isaacs


Created with images by macayran - "sunset sea ​​of ​​clouds clouds"

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