Diet thingy Want to add an extra decade to your life? Live Healthy!

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet doesn't mean surviving solely on bird seed, rabbit food and carrot juice! The new approach to eating healthily means we’re positively encouraged to eat a wide range of foods, including some of our favorites – it’s just a question of making sure we get the balance right.

Why is a healthy diet important?

It is important to have a healthy diet because no matter what you do your body still needs to make processes efficiently, whether you are a reserved person who rarely goes out or an athlete who spends most of his time working out, you need to know what you are eating and how to sustain your lifestyle in a way that won't give you a heart attack.

What diet should I have?

What you should eat depends a lot on many factors, your age, your habits, your job, etc, in example, if you are an athlete you need a lot of energy to burn and muscle builders like protein.

My plate

the my plate sets what the standard on what healthy habits should be in a 2000 calorie diet, when it comes to vegetables, try varying it, any vegetable or vegetable juice counts as a vegetable, fill half your plate with vegetables.

fruits should be one of the main focus in your plate, a whole fruit is preferable to juice but juice still would work, try to maintain it as natural as you can, fill your other half with fruits.

make at least half your grains whole, look at labels to find more whole grains like whole wheat and oatmeal.

go lean with protein, make it take up 1/4 of your plate, nuts, beans, seeds, poultry, lean meat, seafood, soy and eggs are good examples of this group

dairy is your main source of calcium, remember to choose 1% and skim milk over whole milk, try non fat yogurt as a snack, keep choices low on fat sodium and sugar.

Created By
Marco Ceron


Created with images by stevepb - "salad fresh food"

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