Bayleigh's Goal Project english 1-2 period 6

Semester Goal

In the semester, I plan to get at least a 3.0 g.p.a, turn in my work on time, study at least 2 days before a test, and ask questions to help me better understand the unit.

"Getting motivated and aiming for your goals, whether or not you achieve them, can give a huge boost to your self-esteem". -Sara jo Schwartz

English Goal

In English, I plan to do a excellent job on my work, turn in my work on time, and use my time in class efficiently.

"Rewarding as goals may be, reaching them can be tough and time consuming". -Sara jo Schwartz

High school Goal

Through my HIGH SCHOOL years, I plan to get at least a 3.0 g.p.a. , take 2 years of a language, and be smart throughout my HIGH SCHOOL years. I plan to do this so that I can get a advanced DIPLOMA and play sports (basketball, track and field, etc.)

"Goals are the way people reach their dreams." -Sara jo Schwartz

After High school Goal

After High school, I plan to go to go to cosmetology school. I plan to go to cosmetology school to become a hair stylist. It will take me 12 to 24 months to become a hair stylist.

Realistic goals are things you want that you have the potential to achieve. -Sara jo Schwartz

Personal Growth Goal

My Personal Growth Goal is to own my own business after cosmetology school.i would like to have a very sucsessful business.

AssA"Nothing happens unless first we dream." -Carl Sandburg


Created with images by stux - "autumn fall foliage golden autumn" • Unsplash - "laptop hands computer" • Couleur - "watches old antique" • wonderferret - "Grade B" • bzmills - "Details-Salon-and-Spa-8" • strecosa - "shield saying wisdom"

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