Unit 2 Ancient Realmes How Does history inform and inspire us? Study SYnC

How do you use background knowledge and context clues to make an inference? Why do we need to learn to make inferences?
Create a google doc table with the vocabulary. Unit Vocabulary: • magnificent • ancient • tombs • realms • pharaoh • battle • inform • inspire
Historical Figure Facebook Project The project is due at the end of class on 1/17/2017. You will need to work on the project some at home, but you will have class-time on December 2, December 9, December 16, and Jan. 6, Jan 13 to work on the project as well You can find the Introduction and Expectations sheet, rubric and Facebook Template (in the form of a Power Point) below People you can choose to do your project on the following people: Malala Yousafzai Lin Marin Miranda White Helmets Rigoberta Manchu Nelson Mandela Cesar Chavez Alexander Hamilton Martin Luther King Jr Mana Musa HOW TO TURN IN YOUR PROJECT: You MUST have your project saved on google drive and shared with the teacher by the end of the day on Tuesday, January 17. That is the version I will grade. I DO NOT want them emailed to me. I DO NOT want them turned in on a flash drive. If, at any point, you are having technical issues, you MUST talk to me about those issues as soon as you know about them. You can either stop by my room during the day or send me an email and then follow up with the email by stopping by my room to talk to me about any problems you may have on the technical side of this. YOUR PROJECT WILL BE COUNTED AS LATE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT SAVED ON THE SHARED DRIVE BY 4PM ON January, 17... UNLESS YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO ME PERSONALLY, BEFORE THE DUE DATE, AND WE HAVE MADE DIFFERENT ARRANGEMENTS BECAUSE OF TECHNICAL ISSUES.


Created with images by neiljs - "Colosseum, Rome" • friutbildning - "Pyramid"

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