Han Dynasty By: Salonae Dimagiba

The Han Dynasty used These horses are referred as the "Prancing Horses" they were used celestially and in tombs for emperors who passed away. "This spirited horse, a blend of ideal and real in its modeling, captures the spirit of the fabled "celestial horses" of the Han (206 B.C.-A.D. 220)....Large Han pottery tomb figures, including horses, dogs, pigs, chickens and musicians have been found in numerous cliff burials in Sichuan province." (Minneapolis INSTITUTE of art, n.d)
The Han Dynasty was the first Dynasty to create paper, this makes life much easier Paper was extremely crucial for the progress of China. “Tens of thousands of written documents have come down to our day, most of them on wooden tablets and slips of bamboo.”(Violatti, 2017). Making exporting letters, important and classified information, and trade information, much easier. The invention of paper will improve the thoughts and creativity of China. Also, allowing them to be intellectually advanced. “A screen was dipped into a vat of watery oatmeal-like pulp made of rice straw and inner tree bark. When the screen was raised, it had a layer of dripping slush on top, which was later pressed and dried. The end result was a sheet of paper” (Violate, 2013).
Peasants of china were forced to expand the Great wall of China by their emperor, Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty. This explains the politics of the Han Dynasty because it shows how the Emperor who is in charge can make the orders. No matter the danger he might put his people in. For example, the conditions of building the Great wall was highly dangerous. People were beaten, starved, and SEPARATed from their families (Dynasties of power, n.d).
Buddhism is significant to the Chinese culture, the Han Dynasty is responsible for this religion. Buddhism is a religion practiced by an estimated 7% to 8% of the world's total population (Wikipedia, 2017) China over 244 million of the population practices Buddhism. Buddhism was introduced by the Han Dynasty(The British Museum, 2008-09).
Silk was beneficial economically because, with the help of Emperor Wu, exploration routes for trade provided new merchants. “ This increased the trade and economic prosperity of the empire and also led to a constant cultural exchange between several cultures” (Violatti, 2013). Expanding the trade and the wealth of China. In addition, the Silk Road was the very first economic accomplishment. “The opening of the Silk Road was probably the major economic Achievement of the Han dynasty” (Violatti, 2013)

To also add on the Silk Road also helps China socially as a united country. Since it provided beneficial trade to China from other countries, it allowed China to expand it's horizons. To connect to other countries and explore other cultures and new lifestyles. “The ancient Silk Road contributed greatly to the cultural exchange between China and the West……….splendid civilizations among China, India, Greece, Persia and Rome were exchanged along this famous trade route, making the route a great "Cultural Bridge" between Asia and Europe.” (travelchinaguide, 2017)

“Together with the economic and political exchange between the East and West, religions of the West were introduced into China…...Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheism, Nestorianism and Islam were cultural treasure of the ancient west, which were bestowed upon China during the old times.” (travelchinaguide.com, 2017)

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