Mexican Whiteboy By: Matt de la Peña

"How much stronger and darker and more Mexican i am"

This was the first Matt de la Peña book that I've ever read and I am happy to say that ALL of my expectations were met.I Personally i really like this book. I feel like this book would be a great for many people. for example this would be a great book for adults, teens, and mostly any other group.I simply adored every single aspect of this book! From the moments of confusion to anger to sadness to happiness to humor. I just felt everything I could possibly feel for these characters and the lives they led.

Sixteen-year-old Danny is half-Mexican and half-white. His father was deported back to mexico. He currently lives with his white mother in San Diego. He attends a private school where he is not necessarily accepted at. while spending a summer with his cousin and new friends on the baseball fields and back alleys of San Diego County, California. He realizes many things about mixed people like him

trailer: Quote: “I’m an African American,” he said. “But I am somebody, like many African Americans, who has all kinds of stuff in him”... ...“But I self-identify as African American. That’s how I am treated and that’s how I am viewed and I’m proud of it.” —Barack Obama


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