Author Jacob Lefebvre

Being an author focuses on writing books, article, and/ or reports.

The salary of being an author is $48,640 dollars. Because of that, it is wise to have another job.

Becoming an author doesn't require a certain degree, as you can start writing whenever you can. To write professionally, you can earn a college degree, Bachelor of Arts in English, Journalism, or Communications.

The New York Times

I plan to start working at New York Times whenever possible. Although I've taken several writing classes, I plan to go to other schools that provide lessons on writing.

Why I want to be an author, is because I've always been an imaginative and creative kid, creating stories and characters on my off time, and jotting down ideas for things. My mom suggested that I should be an author, and at the time, I loved reading books.

By Jacob Lefebvre


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