
there are two steps to photosnythesis

the first step is the electron transport chain. This step requires light from the sun and is light depentent.

Step one takes place in the thylakoid membrane in the chloroplast. Chloroplast are found in cells of the leaf. these cells contain pigments like chlorophyll that capture sun light.

When light hits the photo systems water is split and oxygen is given off as a product.

In step one two energy molecules are made: ATP and NADPH. These molecules are used in step two of photosynthesis.

step two is called the Calvin Cycle this cycle dont need lighjt

this is the Calvin Cycle

the Calvin Cycle takes in CO2 and makes sugars like glucose. This takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast

it takes 6 turns of the Calvin Cycle to make 1 molecule of glucose


Created with images by silvian1313 - "dandelion fibonacci abstract" • Sean MacEntee - "Flower" • papaya45 - "sun hand finger" • Golden_ie - "Water" • Cea. - "Joe Davis @ Vanabbe - on Rubisco, Calvin Cycle & Art" • Nicola since 1972 - "Leaf - IMG_0438"

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