The Clash of civilizations Ravin Hardaway

Chapter 1: The New Era in World Politics
Contact between civilizations were nonexistent and they began to expand and conquer others. Global politics became bipolar and the world was divided into three parts
After the Cold War, the most important distinctions between people aren't ideological, political, or economic but cultural. People identify themselves culturally
Chapter 2: Civilization in History and today
A civilization = the broadest cultural entity--
Civilizations are mortal but slowly evolve continuously over time with ideas, technologies, etc.
The major civilizations of the world consists of The major civilizations: The major civilizations: Sinic, Japanese, Hindu, Islamic, Western , Latin American, Orthodox, and perhaps African
Chapter 3: A Universal Civilization? Modernization and Westernization
Human beings and virtually all societies she was certain basic values and institutions
Devils culture may refer to the assumptions values and ductions currently held by many people in Western and other civilizations
Language is one of the central elements of any culture or civilization. If one is emerging a universal language is sure to follow.
A universal religion is slightly more likely to emerge than a universal language.
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