Advertising Chae eun

Notes: (sell and spin, a history of advertising)


  • Advertisen (to notify): advertising
  • tapping into desire + creating need
  • getting out a message + shifting a product
  • using images + words
  • creates illusion that it's directed at you, the individual viewer
  • ads are everywhere --> you cant escape them! (we see at least 300 adverts per day)
  • 450 billion $ spent annually (old figure)
  • coca cola's ad spending has led to global brand recognition
  • Leo Burnett -- created personalities as product ( Eg. Tony the tiger --> frosties. Connects with the audience)
  • no matter how much money you throw at the advertising, if the product has a flaw to it the product will fail more quicker
  • Iconography, icon
  • In the old times you would have to hand draw each advert but later on people started using printing and when handrawed 1 advert took 1 hr, printing took about 2 mins.
  • People would make timetables because people would want to rip each others advert so they can post there adverts and get there message out.
  • Rosser Reves: (driven by companies financial people)
  • simplistic, repetitious boast= "The hard sell"
  • direct + stndent --> repititive
  • "irritate your way into people's consciousness
  • unique selling proposition (usp) = reason why
  • highlighting how product was different from others on market
  • repetition of the usp --> association
  • Bill bernbach: (driven by creatives)
  • More sophisticated audience --> more sophisticated advertising
  • recognises audience has brain
  • blending creativity + out with marketing + commence
  • broke walls between viewers and ad + product advertised

Male representation in advertising:

  • rise of male glamour model
  • objectification
  • construction of the ideal male body
  • focus on abs, pecks and crotch area


  1. Branding: whats a product represents ( lifestyle, personality, identity, values, qualities, look)
  2. Media saturation: when we are bombarded with adverts. 3,000 a day according to the documentary and that was over 20 years ago!
  3. Objectification: the seeing and or treating a person, usually a woman as an object in the representation of women.
  4. Gender roles: for woman roles are often limited housewife or sex objects. for men, roles are often represented as the breadwinner and being served by woman.
  5. Dismemberment: cropping and fragmentation of the female body in media images which encourages objectification. Often this is the legs or parts of the torso. It dehumanises woman
  6. Metro sexual:a man who is attracted to women sexually, but who is also interested in fashion and his appearance. A neologism (a made up word with metropolitan + sexuality) to represent a changing economic trend in male shopping and representation dating from the 80s.
  7. Spornosexual:The spornosexual is a more extreme breed of man than his metro forebear. He is just as plucked, tanned and moisturised, but leaner, buffer, more jacked and obsessed not just with "looking good" in the abstract, but with the actual physical proportions of his frame: the striation of his abs, the vascularity of his biceps, the definition of his calves.
  8. Lumbersexual: A lumbersexual or urban lumberjack is a man who has adopted style traits typical of a traditional lumberjack, namely a beard, plaid shirt, and scruffy hair, substituting otherwise clean-cut and fashionable style choices.

From the video, i found out that your perspective on a thing can change the way you see/ show/present it.

Read the article below. What does the article suggest about diversity in advertising and modern audiences?.

  • Kohls Ad: in the kohls ad you can see a variety of ethnicity and gender and ages. There are two gay couples but in the ad it looks like everyone understands each other and it looks like there just having fun, being positive and they are in a nurturing environment. Modern Audience: I think not all but more people everyday is understanding one another and becoming more aware of the fact that we are all different in many ways (religion, ethnicity, gender, age etc..) ,but we are all learning to accept one another and accept the differences.
  • Sonething News: in this target poster for halloween costumes, if you look closely you can see a little girl who is in crutches. I didn't see her ti'll after reading the text below, she blends in with the other girls around her and they all have a smile on their face. Modern Audience: I think more and more people are trying to send a message that even people with disabilities are the same and should be treated equally. Many people believe and can see that people with disabilities are being left out and a huge amount of people see them differently to us. Lots of advertising companies try to send a message in their ads and in this one the message was: "People with disabilities have been absent for a long time and for the most part are still absent.”

Advertising & Censorship

  1. What are these advertising?:The first poster is a cigarette ad, and the second is a maltesers ad.
  2. What claims are being made for the product?: Cigarette ad: make your teeth white, it's healthy for you, it's good fro your throat . Maltesers: Less fattening centers, "Choose the chocolate that can help you slim" suggest that eating maltesers will help you be slim.
  3. What image are they portraying?: Cigarette ad: The main model is in a tennis attire and because of this she looks really healthy. Maltersers: The models waist is very slim and there are words on the side of her waist which outlines her curves
  4. Could companies male the same claims for these product today?, why/ why not: No, because these days the audiences are more sophisticated and they know that eating maltesers wont make you slim and that cigarettes are not healthy for you and can cause damage to your health. Even though nowadays companies still make products that claims it will make you slim, people could test it out and upload their results and thoughts on social media.

Advertising regulation task:

  1. Identify the groups of people who appear to be most vulnerable to advertising. That is, who are the regulators trying to protect? Children, because they can easily be persuaded and influenced
  2. Adverts for which products are most strictly regulated? Why do you think this is?
  3. In a group, discuss whether you think adverts need to be regulated. What harm might they do (if any)?
  4. Create your own set of regulations - about 10 rules which you think should apply to advertisers.
  5. Look at these (controversial) ads from the clothing company Benetton. Would they pass your set of regulations? Would you ban them? Be prepared to explain why or why not.
  • No sexism or racisms
  • Do not mislead
  • No innapropriate adverts to children
  • No negative stereostypes
  • No air brushing
  • No gender objectification
  • No sexually explicit content
  • Appropriate placement

ASA- in the uk advertising is regulated by the advertising standards authority. their dream is to make all uk advertising honest, decent and truthful

Exploring the work of ASA: Ltd:

  1. How many complaints were received? 1,513 complaints
  2. What was the nature of the complaints (link to the advertising regulations)? The ad was offensive to men, Many complainants thought this was due to the man’s clothing and dance moves and because they believed the content was overtly sexual. Also some viewers thought the ad was distasteful
  3. What was the ruling (upheld or not upheld) Not upheld
  4. What explanation was given for the ruling? A TV and internet ad featured a man walking down a street and dancing whilst wearing denim shorts and high heeled shoes. We received complaints that the ad was offensive. Many complainants thought this was due to the man’s clothing and dance moves and because they believed the content was overtly sexual. While acknowledging that some viewers might have found the ad distasteful, we did not judge the ad to be offensive and in breach of the Code. BV

  1. How many complaints were received? 201 complaints
  2. What was the nature of the complaints (link to the advertising regulations)? Explicit Language, offensive
  3. What was the ruling (upheld or not upheld) Not upheld
  4. What explanation was given for the ruling?’s TV and VOD ad showed a story of a couple who met at a hotel. Complainants thought the word “booking” in the ad had been substituted in place of a swear word and thought it was offensive. Consistent with our previous decisions, we judged that the content of the ad was unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence.

Omega Pharma Ltd

  1. How many complaints were received? 136 complaints
  2. What was the nature of the complaints (link to the advertising regulations)? Stereotype --> perfect unachievable body, Misleading
  3. What was the ruling (upheld or not upheld) Upheld
  4. What explanation was given for the ruling? A TV, YouTube and VOD ad for XLS Medical, a slimming aid, featured two women exchanging text messages before heading on holiday. After seeing a photo of her friend who had lost weight, the other woman in the ad was unhappy about not being able to fit into her holiday wardrobe. We banned the ad because it presented an irresponsible approach to body image and confidence.

Home work: Should advertisers have the freedom to say whatever they want?

I agree and disagree with this question. I agree because lots of adverts are trying to raise awareness through their adverts. Ex. near the top i saw a video of a kohls ad, and in the kohls ad you could see a variety of gender, race and ages. Also there were 2 gay couple towards the end of the ad. I think the kohls ad was trying to raise awareness and show their viewers that even though we may look different from each other, we are all still humans and should be treated and respected equally. Everyone in the ad looked like a big happy family and to me i felt like it was also trying to say that once we begin to understand and accept each other we can all be a big happy family like in the ad!.

Lastly, i disagree with this question because not all advertisers want to raise awareness like the kohls ad. I think majority of fashion and beauty adverts have negative stereotypes, air brushing to the skin to give it a more smooth and pore less skin and gender objectification, etc... Lots of ads especially fashion ads make their models in the ad look like they have a perfect/ flawless body. This can cause stress to young/ teen male/ females because its like its saying we have to look like them ad thats physically not possible. Some ads show that girls are a 'house wife' and we just stay at home, cook and do the laundries, etc.. I think this is a negative stereotype because again its like saying that girls cant be like boys and have a good job, and that girls rely on their husbands for money. Because of this lots of women nowadays are standing up for their rights and show that girls and boys are equal and should be treated equally.


  1. What is the problem that this campaign is seeking to address? "She Objects challenges consumers and content creators to think critically about the correlation between the media’s portrayal of women and and eating disorders and self-esteem issues for girls, violence against women and the erosion of female ambition." "To spotlight the portrayal of women in the media as objects and the correlation between this and: a) body image and self-esteem issues for women and girls; b) violence and harassment against women, and c) a lack of ambition to aspire to leadership roles on the part of women"
  2. How is the organisation trying to do this? Documentary, advertisment
  3. How are the various films part of a wider campaign? Educational talks, Hashtag, Website, pledging

How does an advertising agency work?

  1. Advertising Agencies Have Clients: what is the purpose of a pitch in the agency/client relationship? "A pitch is an audition, with the client giving a brief to a number of advertising agencies, and choosing the one that best resolves the brief."
  2. Everything is Problem/Solution Driven: Explain who has the problem and who comes up with a solution in the context of the agency/client relationship? "The client is there to present the agency with its problems, and when it needs solutions. The types of problems and solutions vary greatly depending upon the client’s business and the ad agency’s area of expertise. How this is done is different from agency to agency"

The Process of Creating Advertising Campaigns: Create a flowchart to represent the process involving the client, the account manager, the creative team and the creative director. The account manager (and team) meets with the client to identify the problem that needs to be solved :

  1. "The account manager (and team) meets with the client to identify the problem that needs to be solved.
  2. The account manager writes a creative brief based on that problem. This will include competitive analysis, research, the assistance of the planner and/or creative director, and eventually, sign off from the client.
  3. The account manager briefs the creative team and includes a timeline, budget, proposed media and other factors.
  4. The creative team works on the project for several days (or weeks if they’re lucky) and brings the first round of ideas to the creative director.
  5. The creative director will cull the ideas that are not working, and direct the team to explore the good ideas.
  6. The creative team will continue to work on the ideas, but bring in the production department (if needed), account manager and other members of the agency to make sure the work is on track. If there are printed pieces, or a shoot is required, this is when the production department will begin estimates.
  7. The creative director approves the final ideas, and the creative team presents (hopefully) them to the client.
  8. The client will go away and discuss the ideas, before giving feedback to the agency. This may result in a reworking of ideas (repeat steps 3 to 7) or a green light to move into the execution of the ideas. At this point, a budget and timeline will once again be approved.
  9. The creative team works closely with the account team, media buying, production, and the creative director to produce the ads, whatever form they may take.
  10. The final ads are placed in front of the client for approval. Once the client approves, the ads are published, be it online, in print, outdoor, on the air, or any other media.
  11. The agency will monitor the success, and ROI, of the ads and give the feedback to the client.
  12. The client pays the agency. And then the whole process is repeated."

What are the different departments of an advertising agency?

On your Advertising Learning Portfolio write:

  1. A brief description of what the job involves: "Advertising art directors, often known as 'creatives', produce innovative ideas for the visual elements of advertising campaigns in all kinds of media, ex: cinema and television, radio, poster, media, etc... An art director usually works alongside a copywriter to form a 'creative team'. Traditionally, the copywriter produces the words to go with the visuals created by the art director.

2. What are the responsibilities of someone doing this job?

  • working closely with the copywriter to generate creative ideas and concepts to fulfil the client's brief;
  • gaining an understanding of the target audience and business that the advert is aimed at;
  • meeting with the creative director and account managers before presenting ideas to clients;
  • pitching ideas to clients;
  • working in editing suites to oversee the finished product;
  • advising new creatives, reviewing their 'books' and managing new teams on placement with the agency.

3. What skills are needed to do this job well?

  • excellent organisational skills with the ability to prioritise work and multi-task;
  • team working skills;
  • the consistent ability to produce and communicate fresh ideas and visual concepts;
  • the ability to take rejection and criticism well and to be able to adapt ideas to clients' and colleagues' needs;
  • the capacity to deal with stress and work well under pressure in order to meet tight deadlines;
  • acute observation and an eye for detail.
  • an integrated and creative approach to the media and how the media can be used in advertising;

When you have finished, write an additional paragraph:

  1. Which role do you think you would like to do the most? I want to be the art director
  2. Why do you think you would be good at this role? (Match your skills and experience to the skills and responsibilities of the role) I want to do this role because i like to come up with new creative ideas and just using my imagination

1. Using slides 23-43 of the attached slideshow, investigate in detail at least THREE of the examples using the links provided. Answer the questions on your Spark portfolio and provide evidence from the resources to support your answers, e.g. quotes, images, data, etc.


  1. What is the problem that this campaign is seeking to address?- how women are being portrayed in the media as an 'object', "and the correlation between this and: a) body image and self-esteem issues for women and girls; b) violence and harassment against women, and c) a lack of ambition to aspire to leadership roles on the part of women"
  2. How is the organisation trying to do this? the organisation is trying to spread the news by using the #sheobjects, making documentaries and short films and giving educational talks.
  3. How are the various films part of a wider campaign?-"Commissioned by The Women’s Foundation, in partnership with Women Helping Women". i think that since most women can relate to this, we can all see and relate to how the society and media stereotypes women.


  1. What is the problem that this campaign is seeking to address?- how saying (eg) "you throw like a girl" or "you can't do this because your a girl" is really insulting and has a huge impact on a girls self confidence. When i hear this i imagine people think because we are girls we have a border/limit, and every time we try to cross it someone will insult us and to me from my experience this pushed me and motivated me to do even better because i wanted to show that even though i'm a girl we are all equal and everyone can do what they want to if they try.
  2. How is the organisation trying to do this? they made a video, and in the video they asked girls from all different ages and the director asked girls to show her what it meant to 'run like a girl, throw like a girl, fight like a girl', then they asked 'is like a girl a good thing?'
  3. How are the various films part of a wider campaign?- Again, since its using a # anyone can participate by posting a tweet, insta or video with the same #, and i think this video also might give confidence to other girls.


  1. What is the problem that this campaign is seeking to address?- it's asking why do we keep saying to boys to "stop crying, harden up,etc..". Its also saying that it's alright for a guy to show pain and that there's nothing wrong about it
  2. How is the organisation trying to do this? Using the # and making a film to share to the the society
  3. How are the various films part of a wider campaign?
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Chae son

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