
John Cabot By grayson abell and logan katz

John Cabot

"I will find you land Henry, give me a chance"

Italy, My Home Country

My name was Giovanni Cabota,until I moved to England and changed my name to John Cabot. I was a navigator and a Venetian explorer. I was known for my 1497 voyage to North America, where I claimed Newfoundland for England.

Motivations, (Cross)

England and I were anxious to explore the lands explored by Christopher Columbus. England and I was also interested in finding lands that we could claim as colonies.

King Henry VII

"Cabot if you want to risk you life and find England new land, go right ahead"

A ship in a storm, (Obstacles)

I faced violent storms, strong winds, food and water shortages. I had to turn back on my first voyage due to how bad my problems were.

King Henry VII

"Cabot you need more supply's! I am going to go broke! Find me land Cabot!"

New Land, (Accomplishments)

I established the British claim to the New World. I was known for my 1497 voyage to North America.

King Henry VII

"Great job Cabot you found us New World"


"New land! "Noke Do Si Na. (Means who are you) "I am John Cabot and this is my land" "No ke ek no." (Means this is my land) "You give gold, spices and a food and water supply I will leave." "No ne!" (Means Good Luck!)

"I found new World, that was my job. I found Asia, I sailed west from Europe, I thought going west from Europe would be shorter."

I would overpack, and their was a lack of supply's. You need more than you think. Don't trust anybody on your voyage. Work for yourself not anyone else.


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