Service Learning Project Marcelina Bishop

Organization: Coastal HVAC Supply Co.

Why: Family oriented company, Time restrictions (afterschool hours)

When: Monday & Wednesday @4pm

Population: 3rd Grade

The Children:Noah - 8, Katie - 8, Ezra - 9.

Objectives: 1. Build a caring community of learners. 2. Accomodate student's that have different needs. 3. Give student a better understand of material.

What I did: Reading meetings. Role played meetings in the conference room at the big table. Craft hour. Creative drama: Sculpture Gallery. Play performances.

Minimal Materials

What did I learn: Even more patience. (Tired school kids) Creativity of 3rd graders - creative stories. How much they look up to their parents. (role play reading meeting)


Created with images by jarmoluk - "apple education school" • ajari - "Heiwa elementary school 平和小学校 _04"

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