Mr. Pace's Treehouse Assignment March 9 and 10, 2017

Treehouses have come along way in recent years and many of the designs in today’s world are very elaborate pieces of art that are also very functional and efficient. They are used for play but also some are actually living in the tree houses.

Read this article: High End Treehouses about the future of treehouse building as a career.

Then read this article: Treehouse Master Pete Nelson about Animal Planet’s TV show, Treehouse Masters. There are a few short videos on this them after you read the article.

Visit this page and watch at least three more of these videos (they are short!) Follow this link:

Write a paragraph or two offering your opinions of treehouses in general and the future of the custom built ones. Here are some questions to help you start your paper. You do not have to answer all of these...use them as prompts.

What is your overall opinion of the constructions? Do you think that this is a wave of the future and would be a good career choice for you? Have you ever played in a treehouse? Have you ever seen an elaborate treehouse construction? Would you want to live in a treehouse? Do you think you could design one? Build one? What type of knowledge do you think is required to build these types of treehouses?

When finished, turn your paper into the sub. You can handwrite the paper or type it and print it out (you may have to go somewhere else to print it out though. These computers are not hooked up to a printer!)

PS. This assignment should take two days!

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