America Stays Strong

Everyday I wonder how we are here,

The farmers work intense hours to provide food for the world,

The towing companies are always on call,

The military fighting all day long,

The police are keeping the world calm,

The nurses holding babies in there arms,

Public works are staying up all night long.

The truck drivers are in there truck all day, so factories and businesses don't shut down.

Everybody has a choice to help the world out ,

On a day to day bases struggling to stay strong,

This is America we are number one.


Created with images by mrsdkrebs - "American Flag" • Sanjasy - "baby birth healthy baby" • tpsdave - "tractor grain mixer rural" • ** RCB ** - "first world problem" • tpsdave - "tank centurion mk5 historic" • Abdecoral - "vehicle police miami beach" • US Army Africa - "MEDCAP - Natural Fire 10 - Palabek Kal Health Clinic - US Army Africa - AFRICOM - 091018-F-8314S-152" • Abdecoral - "public works sewer workers" • flok85 - "truck semi trailers australia" • TusitaStudio - "hand united hands united" • Maaark - "chain industry production" • Unsplash - "flags american patriotism"

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