Did you know that the path to wellness was alluded to in the Bible? INTRIGUED? Read more...

In Paul's letter to Timothy, he requests three things: 1. His cloak; 2. His books; and 3. His parchments. Paul was imprisoned, facing death, and winter was fast approaching. So why request these particular things, and what is the path to wellness?

Even as he faced death, Paul knew he still had work to do. For him to be able to continue to serve God, and fulfill his life's purpose, he would need to be well physically, mentally, and spiritually.

He asked for his cloak so he could stay warm. He knew that one's body is the storehouse of the mind and the spirit. If your body is broken, you can't be as effective spiritually or mentally. He asked for his cloak so he could protect his body. What are you doing to protect your body? Are you eating well? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you exercising regularly? What can you do today to better protect your body?

He asked for his books so he could enrich his mind. Paul knew that to remain mentally strong while in such dire conditions, would require that he keep his mind sharp and active. He requested his books so he could continue to learn and grow and develop as a person. Personal growth is vital to becoming your best self. What are you doing to enrich your mind? Are you reading books that stretch your thinking? Are you taking classes or enrolling in webinars to strengthen and develop your talents and skills? What can you do today to develop your mind?

Paul asked for his parchments so he could develop his relationship with God, and keep his connection to God open. Paul knew that to focus on his circumstances would prevent him from fulfilling his purpose in life. He needed to keep his attention on God so he could persevere despite the gravity of his situation. His parchments enabled him to remain close to God, and reminded him of the promises God keeps for trusting and believing in Him. It's easy for us to get overcome by negativity and fear. Developing a relationship with God can give you the strength and confidence you need to handle life's uncertainties with a sense of peace and assurance. Are you relying on your own strength to cope with life? Are you fearful, overwhelmed, or defeated? What are you doing to develop a relationship with God? What can you do today to grow spiritually?

The path to wellness is three-fold. To be truly healthy and well requires balancing yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. If any one of these elements is out of alignment, your life will be as well.

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