The Forces of Poetry By Bryan Peralta

Hello, my name is Bryan Peralta. I am using this page to write poetry and just to express myself, I guess. Enjoy! :)

One Million Lovers - The Growlers - Song
If my heart could rot, Then it would rot by loving you. If I could punch my heart out for you, I'd be glad to walk through the pain for you. I crave your body, I crave your presence. I need your touch. I fiend your presence. Who am I, now? What am I, now? I am not a painter yet, I paint colorful words through your imagination. I am not a writer yet, you hear my screaming through my words.

If my heart could rot, Then it would rot by loving you. If I could punch my heart out for you, I'd be glad to walk through the pain for you. I crave your body, I crave your presence. I need your touch. I fiend your presence. Who am I, now? What am I, now? I am not a painter yet, I paint colorful words through your imagination. I am not a writer yet, you hear my screaming through my words.

Cocoa Hooves (Stripped) - Glass Animals - Song
Scattered, battered and shattered. Sovereign misery and distress, nukes of cries and rage rains from the sky. Some often cry, why? No one makes the decision besides the superior. The minority are often hidden and buried; as for the refugees are blocked by our barriers. Poetry connects to the soul and what/whom someone is feeling. So I say this, bury me with my writings from my oldest to my most recents. Because no one will hear my war cries... everyone's dying from their own war. So just bury me with scars, for one day to hope my wounds will give life to you.
Created By
Bryan Peralta


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "sunset dusk twilight"

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