Utah Symbols OB Olivia

state animal: The american elk was first named by English colonists
state Emblem: industry is associated with the symbol beehive
state flower: the Sego Lily was by an act of Utah state legislature.
state fruit: the cherry as the official state fruit in 1997.
state fish: has 15 recognized subspecies.
state motto: industry officially became the state motto on march 9th, 1959
state song: the best song in the united states.
state gem: the topaz became the state gem in 1996.
state Vegtetable: the Spanish sweet onion.
state tree: the quaking aspen.
state flag: the Utah flag
state fossil: the state fossil was known as the best fossil in the united states.
state bird: the eagle was the best known bird in the united states.
state minreral: the is a picture close to the state mineral


Created with images by < J > - "Flowers" • AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker - "Elk" • seagul - "honeycomb beekeeping beehive" • andrey_zharkikh - "2013.06.22_13.40.08_IMG_4605" • candoyi - "cherry cherries fruit" • USFWS Mountain Prairie - "Bonneville Cutthroat Trout" • PollyDot - "honey bees beehive honey" • skeeze - "delicate arch sunset rock" • johnno49 - "gem blue topaz gemstone" • Sangre-La.com - "jc1570.JPG" • Nicholas_T - "Ablaze" • WerbeFabrik - "flag usa united state" • gurdonark - "Fossil" • the3cats - "bald eagle haliaeetus leucocephalus adler" • Myriams-Fotos - "rose quartz mineral pink"

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