Christmas Business Boost 1 Day Only, 16.12.2016

Have you been struggling this year trying to make sense of the million things you must get to grips with as a business owner?

We're feeling generous today and are bringing you an unmissable opportunity to begin the New Year as you mean to go on! Yes! It's a ONE day only offer, so be sure to act fast as there are limited spaces available too!

This Christmas Business Boost is only open to 10 special registrants.

For less than £3 per day, you will have your hand held to help you through to the next level of your business! Start the New Year, not just with resolutions that you don't keep, but with a treat that will keep giving for the rest of the year too!

For just £267 for three months, YES three months, the lucky YOU, will get all this support to accelerate your business growth in 2017!

The duration of this support is from 3rd January 2017 to 31st March 2017 (Monday to Friday) Sessions will be pre-scheduled.

  • 3 days 1 to 1 Business Strategy Session - 1 day per month - day spent with you developing your Lean Canvas Business Model so your venture achieves success quickly, concisely and effectively.
  • 1 Hour Weekly Skype Check In Calls - to help you stay on track as per the Business Strategy Session
  • Unlimited Email Support - ask as many questions as you'd like to help your Lean Canvass Business Model be successfully implemented
  • Free Access to Our Money Makers Business Club - for ambitious, high growth businesses to interact and ensure business scalability is at the forefront of all activities undertaken

By the end of the three months, as long as you are committed to making this process work and are willing to take guidance, you will see your business progress exponentially!

You are saving of over £4,700 with this Christmas Business Boost offer! Can your business afford to let this opportunity pass?

Created By
Aisha Ejaz


Photos By Aisha Ejaz

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