The Harn ART and the good life

Medium of Art. This selfie of me I think perfectly showed how seeing art can be different depending on how you are viewing it. When I looked at the wall that the video was projecting on it was very hard to see what was going on but when I watched the video through the mirror, everything got better. Somehow the quality of the picture was better and it put me right into the situation as well. It seems silly to think that my experience with the artwork was different just by looking through a mirror, but that also supports the idea that looking at art through a screen verses in person is very different.
The design of the museum. Right when I turned the corner I saw this long walk way that led to the entrance of the exhibit. It was exciting to walk down, it was leading me somewhere and it just felt cool. I felt this way in several different areas, focal points were often created at the beginning of an exhibit, that just drew me to the area. They used lighting very well to their advantage to make certain areas brighter than others to create a contrast that made you desire to look at the art more.
Art and Core Values. This is piece is called Road Worker by Diego Rivera and it was made by charcoal and rice paper. This piece of Art appealed to my value of being humble. The utensils Rivera used were basically nothing and I thought that it really added to the art. I enjoyed that the workers face was not being shown but it was clear that the worker was exerting a lot of effort. Acting on the idea that the working was not focused on getting the attention but rather getting the work done.
Artwork and the good life. In this part of the museum I saw that the windows were a focal point. Most other of the exhibits had absolutely no window but this one had a majority of the room be window. This reminds me of the Walden article during the seeking module, in that often times it is the stuff that is already in front of us that is beautiful, it is just our need to acknowledge it. I really enjoyed that they used a window for us to look outside to the stuff we can see around us in our daily lives.

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