Welcome to Banter With Denver + Greg! This is our Podcast where we talk about topics such as conspiracy theories, celebrities, funny story times and more. Both of us have been best friends since forever and have made some hilarious memories during that time. These memories consist of inside jokes, personal stories, experiences, etc. This is what you can expect from our podcast, a crazy look into the lives of two best friends and their weekly conversations about what is on their minds and trending topics. If you love to laugh to the point of gasping for air, this is definitely the podcast for you. So get ready to join our Banter and become our best friend also.

We upload new episodes every Friday here on SoundCloud and Youtube. Make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications for updates. Thank you and hope you enjoy.

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Banter's Twitter: twitter.com/BanterPodcast

Denver's Twitter: twitter.com/AlienPrincess33

Greg's Twitter: twitter.com/GregBond15

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