Personification Poem Riley Boldt

He doesn't have time to clean says the mass of objects strewn out across his dresser.He enjoys strategically thinking and being challenged mentally says the scratched wooden chess board.The worn out biking gloves and the muddy soccer cleats say that he is active and enjoys the outdoors and He is a diehard Aggie fan and is easily chilled says the worn and torn maroon jacket.He is an avid reader says the bookshelves with old and dog eared books that cover them but doesn't have time to organize and clean them.

He has been attempting to train a new dog says the torn dog toys and the maroon jacket’s teeth holes and the shoes with the frayed and chewed laces. He especially enjoys the science fiction genre of books says the pile of science fiction novels on his jumbled dresser. He used to play guitar but found different ways to use his time says the guitar case with a thin layer of dust on it but found a different type of music the choir sheet music with small tears along its edges.

He finds it hard to leave things behind in his life and is sometimes sentimental says the unopened books from his years in elementary school. He always try's to get things over with quickly and doesn't like to work at home says unopened backpack. He never has time to clean or organize his living area says the messy shelves and dresser, but always seems to have enough time to go outdoors and be active says the worn out biking gloves and muddy cleats, and will always find time to read says the old dog eared books.


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