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Juno Reactor The Mutant Theatre

"One of the most interesting, diverse, eclectic and eye-popping live shows happening right now in electronic music..." (DJ Mag Sept 2017)

"Juno Reactor’s The Mutant Theatre is truly unlike any other dance album out there, as it’s tied to a unique performance experience like none other". 10/10 Mushroom Magazine

"This is not just one of the most important electronic releases of the summer, it is one of the brightest dance albums of the last few years, made with a trembling love for the past and the present". REF NEWS

The Mutant Theatre Show

Juno Reactor & The Mutant Theatre is an interactive live show, where theatre, dance, live music, wifi control L.E.D. costumes, gas guns, ray guns, confetti guns en-trance the audience into a fantasy world of adrenalin fuelled dreams, hard wired adventure, a Sci Fi invasion of the mind and body, Pans Labyrinth meets Barbarella.

Juno Reactor

Ben Watkins aka Juno Reactor a pioneer of the electronic trance scene, constantly morphing re-evolving , exploring new areas visually and musically. From the back streets of London to Hollywood blockbusters of the Matrix, the story of Juno Reactor is constantly evolving.

"The Juno Reactor live show isn’t like going to a concert, it’s experiencing a whole new concept in performances with a lethal concoction of Theatre, music, lighting, and live action". (Japan Times)

“The scope of this album is visionary and beyond pop art” 10/10 - (Soundscape Magazine)

"Honestly Juno Reactor blew me away. Went expecting to see practically no show, and got a stage full of people dancing. I expected a cold, dry sound and got something far more organic than i’ve ever heard or seen before". (San Fransisco Weekly)

"A resounding achievement…one of the great electronica artists" (Pop Matters)

‘Juno Reactor continue to break barriers and take their unique blend of trance, electronic and Theatre to new heights…takes you on a cerebral journey that other types of electronic or dance music rarely so often do.’ (Blurt)

‘…exquisite, embodies a unique and lustrous mix Theatre beats melody while retaining all the elements of the classic Juno Reactor sound and style.(Bite Me! Music & Fashion)

"One of the best musical experiences of this year…" (Sic Asylum)

Well worth throwing off preconceptions and diving in.(Data Transmission)

‘…genre-transcending masterwork…a perfect fusion of theatre electronic dance music/trance, rock music and a few live CGI kitchen sinks for good measure.’ (Independent Music Promotions)

"The Mutant Theatre" Album

Juno Reactor Released “The Mutant Theatre” Album on Metropolis Records (USA) June 22nd, in it’s trail a wave of shows spanning the globe in the Summer and following through into the fall.

"The best live show I have ever seen or had at the Emmaboda festival..." (Producer of the Emmaboda Festival Sweden)

"Juno Reactor & the Mutant Theatre have taken us to the next level of live performance..." (Dark Beauty Magazine)

JR Band - Ben Watkins (Vocals, Keys, Guitar) - Tula Ben- Ari (Vocals) - Johann Bley (Drums) Budgie (Drums) - Amir Haddad (Guitar) - The Mutant Theatre (The Stigma Show - Agnivo)

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Juno Reactor