Helping the Homeless making a DIFFERENCE one person at a time

Homeless- without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets.
The Bible calls us to help those in need.
Acts 20:35 says, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
All of the weather conditions here are extreme and most likely going to happen at some point throughout the year, with no where stable to live during these circumstances any homeless person could be in danger.
Liberty University must create a homeless ministry.
Not all homeless have ideal health conditions, this homeless couple is not able to walk on their own, causing it difficult to live without the right assistance, there are many other homeless people in this same situation. Where the homeless ministry will provide proper assistance to their specific needs, through out Lynchburg.
The homeless do not have connections to the proper medical facilities, those with conditions such as diabetes cannot live without the proper dosage of insulin. There are many chronic illnesses that must be treated daily, the people of the streets need proper attention.
The goal of the homeless ministry is to provide a safe and healthy lifestyle to the homeless while also glorifying God.

Psalm 41:1 “Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.”


Created with images by Transformer18 - "Tired @ Bangkok" • quinet - "Armless" • quinet - "2005-08-26-2" • quinet - "2005-08-25" • University of Salford - "Flooding" • Flikkersteph -4,000,000 views ,thank you! - "snow" • Pedro Fanega - "By @burakindeep "#winteriscoming #kids #child #sirkeci #istanbul #fatih #gipsy #homeless #smile #simit #winter #chill #junior #begar #childlabor #nike #sweatshop #cold #happiness #instagood #interesting #hunger #photooftheday #profile #sea #boy #girl #ti" • Anthony Quintano - "Lightning over New York City July 2013" • fsHH - "hamburg st pauli wheelchair users" • stevepb - "diabetes blood sugar diabetic" • hectorir - "Helping the Homeless 047" • SantaRosa OLD SKOOL - "DSCF2250a" • adabara - "job interview colleagues business" • OakleyOriginals - "Angel Table" • Army Medicine - "Check-up"

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