Where will you put your $1million ? By Giovanni Berry

The country is in a hard place at this point, some points in our infrastructure need updating. I will be donating $600k to Child Labor and Labor laws. $300k will go to the meat packing industry. $100k will go to creating wildlife preserves.

Child labor

I will give $600k to help fight child labor. I want to make sure that children are not overworked and are allowed to just be kids. There needs to be new safety standards in the areas where they work. The children should not be working in unsafe conditions. That is why I will be giving money to help theses causes.

Meat Packing Industry

I will also be donating $300k to the meat packing industry. The money will go towards improving the standards at which the meat is handled and kept. It will also help keep the meat from being tainted by unwanted factors. This will help keep food clean and healthy.

Wildlife Preservation

I will also be donating $100k to wild life preservation. This will keep what makes America beautiful safe for generations to come. This will also help preserve the native species and have an area untouched by man. With increasing deforestation we must keep parts of America safe from it.


I hope that the donations help these causes. These areas in American life need help and need to be reformed. I am glad to give money to these causes that I believe should be helped.

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