Analysing communication methods


in the picture on the left was taken from the Apprentice in this scene they were preparing to go to a meeting and the person on the left was not ready. the picture on the right is taken from Dragons Den and the man on the left has come in a uniform which has nothing to do with the product. both of these are examples of bad visuals.


in the picture on the left the man is announcing his ideas in a smart looking suit which impressess the people watching him. In the picture on the right the two men have presented their ideas and since they are wearing suits the dragons are impressed with their product and them.


In the picture on the left the man is reading his notes about what to say and has taken many notes meaning he knows what he is going to do and not mess up his speech. in the picture on the right the women is taking notes about the persons product, it is shown later on that she can use these notes and so can the other dragons.


This picture is from the apprentice and is showing a woman making notes, but when she finishes it the rest of here team mates cannot read her hand writing and end up scrapping her idea. this is a good example of a bad written idea.


the picture on the left shows a man pitching a speech which impressess the dragons a lot because of his speech and also they give him a tricky question to unwires and he does not stress when answering. the picture on the right shows two men pitching their speech, even though they are under a lot of pressure they are still able to do their speech. both of these are good examples are good verbal communication.


In the screenshot on the left is taken from the apprentice and it shows a man that is planning his groups speech but overtime he messes up he would constantly swear at his group. in the picture on the right it shows a man that has been asked a simple question about his buissness but he could not answer it and it takes him a minute to remember. both of these are good examples of bad verbal communication.


Created with images by lovelornpoets - "talk"

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