Jaysa Addison

I am from Fort Mill, South Carolina. I graduated from Nation Ford High School in May 2016, and am now a freshman going on my second semester of college!
In high school, I was very well-rounded and always busy. I did service clubs, art clubs, business clubs, and I always loved playing lacrosse. I strive to be the same way at Clemson!
Clemson was my top choice, and getting in was the best feeling in the world. I LOVE Clemson football, and I am a currently pre-business major. Eventually, I want to go into marketing and minor in brand communications.
In high school, my friend and I joined a club called FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). We participated in the Global Business category, and ended up placing as one of the top 15 teams in the nation. This is what prompted me to choose a business major while still having a love for traveling and learning about other cultures.
In addition my love for Clemson football, I am very passionate about traveling. Out of all the places I've been to, my favorite is Naxos, Greece, and I hope to go back one day!
At the beginning of my time here, I have made tons of new friends through dorm life, classes, and joining a sorority (Chi Omega) this past fall.



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