La Historia de España Caitlin lam 8 Estrellas

The History of Spain was not pacífico. It was mainly filled with derramamiento de sangre, hatred, and muerte.

First things first, we have our invaders. The Celts were the first invaders, and they invadido France. Following the Celts were the Iberos, who invaded Africa. Then came the Celtiberos who did not believe in lucha and say that there are beneficios from both invaders. The Celtiberos were made up of Iberos and Celts, considerando their nombre, it hace sense.

The Roman Empire collapsed in 409 a.d. In 711 a.d. the Arabs, Berbers, and Syrians from North Africa invaded the peninsula. They fácilmente derrotado Visigoth Kingdoms, which led to the conquering of casi todas of the peninsula.

Cordoba was the mayor city in Western Europe in the 10th Century. It was the centrar of the World's mas rico and most culto gente.

Soon the Reconquista began, which was the lucha casi continua between Christian reinos in north of the peninsula and Muslims, who revisado the south. In Arabic, Muslim Spain was called "Al-Andalus". Patron Saint of Spain was Santiago, also known as "Matamoros".

Toledo was known as the city of tolerance. The influence of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religion are still evident hoy because of the synagogues, churches, and arab style architecture still stand there.

By 1492 the Moors had dividido into many pequeña kingdoms. The Last Moorish king, in Granada, was defeated in the January of 1492.

Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castilla got casado in 1469. They unido Christian kingdoms against the Moors and solidificado their power through religion and military success. They terminado the Reconquista by defeating Moors in Granada in 1492. In 1502 it was decided that all Jews need to leave Spain or convertir to Christianity. Jews are interrogated and torturado until they confess, or they are put on trial and later ejecutado.

isabel and Fernando had a hermana named Juana, also known as "La Loca", who married Felipe (el Hermoso) of the poderoso Habsburg familia. Legend has it that when Felipe died, she llevado his coffin through the calles of Granada, parada regularly to kiss the corpse of the dead king.

Under the rule of Carlos I (Son of Juana and Felipe), also known as Charles V of Austria/Germany, the Spanish Empire grew expeditiously.

Spain under Carlos V became one of the most reliable defenders of Catholicism, while it fought to stop the spread of the Protestant Reformation across Europe. He passed on this legacy to his successor, who was his son Felipe II.

Felipe II continued the wars against the protestants. He married Mary Tudor of England in an attempt to create an international Catholic Alliance. They had no son so protestant Elizabeth I came to power in England after Felipe II. Dutch declared independence from Spain and starts a war involving England. In 1588 Spain's invincible Armada gets defeated by England.

El Greco was a painter from Greece, his real name being Domenikos Theotokopolous. He traveled to Spain in search of work in the decoration of El Escorial, but unfortunately Felipe II hated his style and refused to hire him. El Greco soon moves to Toledo and makes it big time.

Felipe Ii is succeeded by his son, "surprisingly" named Felipe III. Felipe III dies and his son, Felipe IV reigns over one of the richest cultural periods in Spanish history, the Siglo de Oro, from 1621-1665. The Siglo de Oro included great literature, art, and much more. Felipe IV son, Carlos II, is known as "El Hechizado", which translates to "The Bewitched". He dies in 1700, leaving no heir to the throne of Spain.

Spain lost Gibraltar to the English. Felipe V, the Bourbon grandson of Louis XIV, becomes King of Spain. The Bourbon family still remains as the royal family of Spain. The Bourbons were proficient reglas, but they were always more concerned with life at court. Efforts to convert Spain into a modern state were based on the Enlightenment. Carlos IV was very unproficient. His transacciones with Napoleon lleva to use of lots of dynamite.

The Rebellion of 2 May 1808 in Madrid begins War of Spanish Independence. During the upheaval most of the colonies in America gain independence. The Constitution of 1812 establishes a parliamentary monarchy.

Fernando VII left only a daughter, Isabel II. The country becomes divided on the issue of a woman ruler. Isabel II ends up reigning from 1833- 1868. Isabel II rules through turmoil. The "Glorious Revolution" removes Isabel II from power in 1868. An italian lands the throne from 1870-1873.

In 1873, the Spanish Republic is proclaimed in 1873 and ends the next year, 1874. Alfonso the XII went into power and had a son, Alfonso XIII who was born shortly after his father's death. Spain quickly began a downfall by the loss of it's last remaining colonies in 1898 and embarrassing military defeats in Morocco.

Alfonso XIII permite a military dictatorship from 1923-1931, but it isincapaz to solve the problemas of the country. In 1931, elections are held to determine if Spain should continue monarchy and give democracy another try, and they decide on democracy. The new government creates an even deeper political and social divide. Many places think too many changes are going on.

The Civil War begins in 1936. Franco's fascist troops are aided by Germany and Italy. The war ends in 1939, with Franco's nationalist forces winning.

Francisco Franco is the fascist dictator of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975. Franco chooses Alfonso XIII to take over. Upon Francisco's death in 1975, Juan Carlos I de Borbon se convierte King of Spain. Juan Carlos declares democracy in Spain. He names Adolfo Suarez as first Prime Minister. Suarez begins the period known as the Transition.

In 1978, Suarez is elected in the first election in Spain since 1936. In 80's felipe Gonzalez leads Spain out of isolation, joining NATO and the EU. Jose Maria Aznar increases Spain's influence in the world, with a growing economy and a strong alliance with the USA.

On March 11, 2004, Islamic fundamentalist terrorists metido bombs on several commuter trains in Madrid, asesinato nearly 200 people and injuring over 2000.

Two days after the attack, elections proclaim Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero the new Prime Minister of Spain. His first acción, as prometido, was to retirar Spanish troops from the US war with Iraq. He won re-election in 2008.

As a parliamentary monarquía, Spain retains its royal family, although all gobierno decisiones are manejado by Parliament and the President of the Government.


Created with images by Arian Zwegers - "Toledo, the Alcazar and the Cathedral" • rick ligthelm - "Madrid, Spain" • Miguel. (respenda) - "Castillo de Olmillos de Sasamón.Burgos." • pablocabezos - "Arena del Anfiteatro de Segobriga" • Efraimstochter - "spain flag flutter" • campunet - "cordoba church river" • jl.cernadas - "2482-Puente romano en Cangas de Onis (Asturias)" • JaimePF55 - "tower gold seville" • Unsplash - "medieval castle city street" • HerryLawford - "Leeds Castle" • Sean MacEntee - "Blarney Castle" • Hans - "hohensalzburg fortress castle fortress" • Su--May - "Bodian Castle" • Meitzke - "castle middle ages sublime" • Sean MacEntee - "Beflast Castle" • Barni1 - "eilean donan castle castle eilean donan" • davebloggs007 - "Herstmonceux castle summer 2005" • Sean MacEntee - "Blarney Castle" • ColdSmiling - "noble castle hofburg imperial palace" • chefranden - "Autumn Leaves" • Mario Martí - "Arc de Triomf, vista completa (Victory Arch, complet view)" • DEZALB - "lille belfry old stock exchange" • inkflo - "altea church spanish domes" • jl.cernadas - "4025-Igrexa Santiago de Baamonde en Lugo." • BarbeeAnne - "spain segovia cathedral" • paulbr75 - "great cross sunrise sky" • pablocabezos - "Catedral de Sevilla" • Lateral Support - "000412B" • jlaswilson - "castle kenilworth kenilworth castle" • ParentRap - "tree attic snow"

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