Theseus and the Minotaur By:Cameron long

Theseus is believed to have two dad's Aegeus and Poseidon.He grew up with his mom until he was able to move rock with a sword and shoes under it to prove himself worthe to live with his dad
When Theseus ment his dad he found out people of Athens were being sacrificed to the minotaur in Crete so when he found out he volunteered to go to Crete and kill the minotaur and well in Crete The princess Ariadne fell in love with him how to kill the minotaur and how to kill the minotaur
After Theseus killed the minotaur he told his dad he change the flag from black to white white so when his dad saw the black flag he thought his son was dead and jump out the window and died.
After he killed the minotaur he made a bad friend which ended up getting him into a lot of trouble and soon he ended up hated by his people and everyone else.


Created with images by Janus Serendipity - "Hyde Park Fountain - Theseus and the Minotaur" • l'interdit - "MIA24-Theseus slaying" • BotheredByBees - "Theseus" • Nagarjun - "Mythical king Theseus" • Tilemahos Efthimiadis - "Torsos of two statues"

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