Rick's Pasta Bar Menu Ricardo Molina P:1



Garlic Penne Pasta

Creamy Garlic Shells




Tomato Sauce - a sauce that its flavor enhanced by the addition of herbs, spices, onion and garlic.

Garlic Cream Sauce - a creamy sauce that is made out of roasted garlic similar to alfredo sauce

Meat Sauce - a sauce made of ground beef/pork, onions, celery, carrot, tomato paste, and wine

Garlic Butter Sauce - A rich, buttery sauce for pasta with herbs and garlic. Great with grated Parmesan or Romano cheese

Arrabiata Sauce - is a spicy sauce for pasta made from garlic, tomatoes, and red chili peppers cooked in olive oil

Vodka Sauce - an Italian-American cuisine sauce made from a smooth tomato sauce, vodka, typical Italian herbs and heavy cream, which gives the sauce its distinctive pink coloration.

Roquefort Sauce - A sauce that is made from blue cheese, salt, and freshly grounded peppers.

Broccoli Rabe Sauce - Both the sharp, bitter flavor of broccoli rabe and its vitamins are best preserved by steaming, but if you prefer a milder flavor

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