Mint Oreo Izzy watson

What is your favorite Oreo? Mine is mint and after reading this you will agree that the tempting, mouthwatering, and dIvine thing that is the mint Oreo is the best type of Oreo. The reason I love them is because they have a very fresh taste, the combination of chocolate and mint is simply divine, and mint helps you remember.

Mint is known for its fresh taste and when you smell mint you probably say "It smells minty fresh" when I hear minty fresh than I often think of the mint Oreo. If you eat mint does it make you feel so fresh and new? I know I feel amazing. After I bite into a mint Oreo I make a "mmmm" sound as the taste of mint fills my mouth. The taste of mint is so satisfying to me maybe not to you but to me mint is the best flavor of anything. You can say " The double Stuf Oreo is so much better than mint Oreo" I can say I do love my Double Stuf Oreo. But I would prefer to eat Mint Oreo over Double Stuf.

Mint is also amazing for your brain if you have a hard test than take out a mint and put it in your mouth because you will get better results than if you did not have the mint. Aside from it helping your brain remember things it also tastes marvelous so you enjoy the taste while getting 100% on your test. The taste triggers your brain to remember things more vividly. Mint Oreo does the same. It helps you remember how amazing it tastes.

I personally love mint, it makes me feel like a fresh new person with a cool attitude but enough about mint. The chocolate is the bread for the Oreo sandwich, the peanut butter for the jelly, the sky for the clouds, the tree for the leafs, and so on. Have you ever heard of or tasted mint chocolate chip ice cream? I know you probably have, does it not taste like the most scrumptious thing you have ever tasted? Now imaging that but as a ice cream sandwich now make the ice cream sandwich a solid and there is the mint Oreo.

I may not have convinced you that the mint is the best Oreo but you do want a mint Oreo now don't you? Go get one from your pantry or from the nearest store and enjoy its minty goodness.


Created with images by segurosgrupomontalvo0 - "cookies oreo food" • Amy Windsor - "Has anyone else made the happy, but unfortunate, discovery that Mint #Oreos taste just like Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies? #HelpMe" • rocknroll_guitar - "Step 1" • JeepersMedia - "Mint Oreo Fudge Cremes in Unique Winter Graphics Package at Price Chopper" • StockSnap - "oreos cookies dessert"

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