My Experience at the FLMNH By: Chandler Lozeau


As a whole, I found the Butterfly Museum to be a very enlightening and eye-opening experience. I enjoyed this museum, as a whole, very much. I cannot wait to make another journey to this museum, on my free time. The exhibits truly have a lot to offer.

One exhibit I found to be particularly fascinating, was the piece dedicated to Miami, Florida. Having grown up in Florida my whole life, specifically near Miami, it was interesting to have been given the opportunity to further my knowledge on a problem that I wasn't even aware of. Through this exhibit, I learned that the Miami Blue butterfly has become near-extinct due to harmful actions carried out by humans. The development of new complexes and buildings and the increased use of pesticides and insecticides are seriously affecting the Miami Blues. After having seen this exhibit, I can say that I am going to spread the word of the Miami Blues' danger.

Nature and Ethics

Coming to this exhibit was an amazing and enlightening experience. It opened my eyes to the beauty of the nature surrounding me. I gained an insight on love and respect for the butterflies, and their environments. The Butterfly exhibit allows its visitors a very hands-on way to become one with the nature. At any given moment a butterfly could land on you, which adds a sense of excitement and hope. Overall, this exhibit persuades me to want to protect the butterflies and connect deeper with my natural surroundings.

Nature and Human Spirit

The Natural History Museum aids its visitors in stepping out of our ordinary lives by allowing us all to have one-on-one connections with the majestic creatures. There is nothing quite like the first time you are able to interact with one of these amazingly beautiful animals. I, along with many of the other guests, felt very honored to have connected with our natural surroundings. I found myself becoming more aware of who I am as a person from putting myself in the butterflies perspectives.

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