TENKATORI Japanese Fried Chicken

"Tenkatori's Accretive Sauce Recipe has been preserved for almost 70 years. The oil is changed daily, always fresh"

Our menu is simple, but has variations. From your standard chunks of karaage, to a whole chicken leg fried to perfection. You can order a meal with sides, order in bulk for a special occasion, or just a small snack for the drive home.

In Japanese, “Tenka Tori “ is a double entendre. It can mean, “Peerless (the best) Chicken” or “Obtaining Peerlessness (the best)”. With that in mind it was Tenkatori Japan’s goal to provide the best karaage in Japan. Now we start our new quest in making the best karaage in the world.

Tenkatori Karaage Boneless thigh

Gardena Gardena Store : 1740 Artesia Blvd, Gardena, CA 90248

TEL (310) 627-7822

Costa Mesa Store: 3001 Bristol St D, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

TEL (714) 641-7004

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