Bowling for Columbine analysis michael moore is okay i guess

Bowling for Columbine is a controversial documentary by Michael Moore that shows the main problems with America from its abundance of automatic weapons to its fear mongering and racist news media.First in Michael's bizarre adventure he is shown buying a gun at a bank which shows how easy it is to get firearms in America even at places that are supposed to be safe.Next he takes two Columbine survivors to Kmart in an effort to fight corporations greed by asking for refunds on the bullets bought there that went into the two boys on that fateful day. In the end, after Moore brought media attention to the matter, Kmart decided it would no longer sell ammo at their stores.

To help support his opinion about what led to this massacre, Moore interviewed some celebrities during the film. Charlton Heston, noted American film actor and NRA supporter, was asked about firearm violence in America. Heston replied that the United States has a "history of violence" and more "mixed ethnicity" than other countries. Moore then asks Heston if he would like to apologize for leading NRA rallies in Michigan after the shooting death of a six-year-old girl and in Littleton, Colorado after the Columbine shooting, after which Heston walked out of the interview. Moore was later criticized for his perceived "ambush" of the actor. Matt Stone, Littleton resident and co-creator of "South Park" also agreed to speak with Moore on camera about the shootings. Although Stone did not feel that Moore misrepresented anything he said on film, he did feel that Moore's inclusion of a cartoon drawn in a style similar to "South Park" following his interview was designed to led viewers to believe that it was created by stone. Stone later stated that "It was a good lesson in what Michael Moore does in films. He doesn't necessarily say explicitly this is what it is, but he creates meaning where there is none by cutting things together." Stone and Matt Parker later depicted Moore as "a gibbering, overweight, hot-dog-eating buffoon" who ultimately commits a suicide bombing against the protagonists in their 2004 film, "Team America: World Police." Controversial singer and musician Marilyn Manson was also interviewed by Moore. Moore felt that the news media is to blamed for the climate of fear and violence in the US that he believed fueled the shooters. Manson was asked why people think that his music incited violence. Manson replied that some people were looking for someone to blame adding that he believes U.S. society is based on "fear and consumption." He cited Colgate toothpaste commercials that promise "if you have bad breath, [people] are not going to talk to you" and other commercials containing fear-based messages. Manson also mentioned that the media had asserted that his influence on the acts of the shooters Klebold and Harris, was far greater than that of President Clinton, who ordered more bombings on Kosovo on April 20, 1999, than any other day during the Balkans campaign. When Moore asks Manson what he would say to the students at Columbine, Manson replies, "I wouldn't say a single word to them; I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did."


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