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Roger Viadero, Jr., Ph.D., CSE, BCEEM Director & Professor

Last updated in December 2023.

I realize that most people don't want to wade through a 20+ page curriculum vitae to learn what I do. As an alternative, I thought I'd make a "digital story" to highlight my work. Just scroll down to learn more about what I do.

Like many of you, I wear a number of different hats. At Western Illinois University (WIU), I'm the director of the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES) and the founding chair of Western’s interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Environmental Science.

Professionally, my work bridges the gap between aquatic environmental engineering/science and ecology. For over 20 years, I've worked to integrate what we know from the basic sciences with the problem-focused approaches used by engineers to help others avoid making adverse impacts to natural aquatic systems. When this isn't possible, I draw on my experience integrating extensive field investigations with laboratory studies and modeling to develop remediation approaches that result in lasting improvements to the quality and resilience of natural aquatic systems.

In December 2023, my book, "Aquatic Environmental Systems: an Interdisciplinary Approach for Engineers and Scientists," was published by Taylor and Francis. I wrote this book to meet the need for a common vocabulary and analytic approach that can be used by engineers and scientists from different disciplines who work on natural aquatic systems.

Since I work in a field that cuts across several traditional academic disciplines, I think it's important to establish and maintain professional credentials that go beyond having an advanced graduate degree; to that end, I'm a Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (BCEEM) of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) and an Ecological Society of America Certified Senior Ecologist (CSE).

In addition to my position at Western, I was fortunate to serve as the President of the Aquacultural Engineering Society (AES) and am a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Aquacultural Engineering. In 2016 and 2017, I served as the panel manager for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program in aquaculture.

Before joining WIU in 2007, I was the Director of West Virginia University's (WVU) Center for Environmental Research and was a Robert C. Byrd Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

At WIU, I’ve built on my previous experience leading interdisciplinary groups to catalyze collaborative environmental research, support undergraduate and graduate academic programs that approach environmental issues from interdisciplinary perspectives, and provide outreach to campus and external stakeholders on environmental issues.

Education & Professional Certification


Like every other professor, I've spent a large fraction of my academic/professional life in school. Being a professor was never one of my childhood career aspirations. In fact, I recall struggling to master my multiplication facts and dreading weekly spelling tests. I encourage all fourth and fifth graders who are in a similar situation to persevere! I did well in high school and developed an interest in how math can be used to do practical things like compensating for the change in the effective gear ratio that resulted from installing larger tires on my truck - a useful skill for a DIY mechanic and an aspiring engineer.

My educational preparation is diverse, which is reflected in the work I do as a teacher and researcher.

  • Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 1997
  • M.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1994
  • B.S. (Honors), Physics, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1993

Professional Certification

  • Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, specialty in hazardous waste management and site remediation, 2019
  • Certified Senior Ecologist, Ecological Society of America, 2021-2025

Learn more about AAEES board certification and ESA certification.


“Mother Nature always bats last, and she always bats 1,000” - Robert K. Watson

One of the greatest challenges we face in environmental science is the need to adapt and apply basic science principles to the often non-ideal conditions encountered in the field. This is further complicated by the degree to which key parameters change over time and on the landscape. To develop the skills needed to tackle these challenges, students in my courses spend time in the field, in the laboratory, meeting with practitioners, and attending and giving seminar presentations. Of course, we also spend an ample amount of time in lecture. Check out this video for an idea of what we do in class!

Courses I've taught at WIU ...

I've taught each of the three core courses in the Environmental Science Ph.D. Program as well as a number of graduate-level electives: ENVR 730. Environmental Systems, ENVR 740. Advanced Environmental Analysis, ENVR 750. Integrated Environmental Decision Making, ENVR 675. Assessment and Management of Low Order Alluvial Stream Channels, GEOG 510. Environmental Impact Analysis, and GEOG 610 Advanced GIS Analysis.

I've also taught the introductory and capstone courses in the undergraduate Environmental Studies minor, ENVR 201 and 401, respectively.

... at West Virginia University

CE 293. Civil Engineering Seminar, CE 347. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, CE 443. Environmental Science and Technology, CE 447. Environmental Engineering Design, CE 540. Aquatic Chemistry and Biology, CE 542. Physico-Chemical Unit Operations, CE 591. Hazardous Waste Site Remediation, CE 744. Industrial and Advanced Wastewater Treatment, ENG 1. Introduction to Engineering, and ENG 2. Freshman Engineering Design.

I was also the faculty adviser for WVU's student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

... and at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

ENGR 314. Engineering Mechanics II - Dynamics, ENVSCI 102. Introduction to Environmental Science, ENVSCI 305. Environmental Systems, ENVSCI 318. Industrial Pollution Control, ENVSCI 460. Waste Management and Resource Recovery, and ENVSP 766. Resource Management Strategy.

K-12 Outreach

While my primary instructional responsibility is to the Environmental Science Ph.D. Program, I also invest time working with aspiring scientists in elementary and middle school. In summer 2018, my team worked with 4th through 8th-grade students as part of WIU's Math on the Mississippi Summer Camp. Click a button to see photos from summer 2018 camp sessions.

In addition to summer outreach, I've also adopted second and third grade classes at Lincoln Elementary School.

My son is a frequent helper in the field. Bailing groundwater wells by hand builds character and muscles!

Working with the youngest prospective scientists and with Ph.D. students has provided me with many challenges that I believe have helped to make me a better teacher in class, in the lab, and in the field!


In the beginning ...

As an aquatic environmental engineer, my research has included long-term, watershed-scale studies of water quality, fisheries, and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in areas that are heavily impacted by strip and underground coal mining. These study sites are often located in close proximity to some of the most productive freshwater streams in the eastern United States which raises the stakes when it comes to environmental management and decision-making!

The orange in these photos (except my ball cap) is from the precipitation of ferric iron - one of the key components of acid mine drainage (AMD).

I've also done work to develop underutilized water resources to support rural economic development. For example, in the mid-Appalachian region, millions of gallons of acidic water are treated and released each day into local streams and rivers. Contributing to an initiative started by my friend and colleague, Dr. Ken Semmens, we demonstrated the safety of using treated mine water to rear edible fish such as rainbow trout, steelhead trout, and hybrid striped bass. This work ranged from bioassays and basic water chemistry to the design and operation of a [small] commercial-scale modular flow-through aquaculture system that is used by students and faculty in animal science, food science, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, fisheries management, and others at West Virginia University. The system has also been used by extension specialists to demonstrate the opportunities to utilize treated mine water for aquaculture. If you'd like to learn more about this project, click here.

This modular paired raceway system allows for side-by-side experimentation on a scale that's relevant to commercial growers. Water quality is monitored using a YSI data sonde that's located in the headbox. The length and mass of fish in each channel are measured at regular intervals throughout the growing season - even in the winter!

More Recently ...

At Western, I've built on my previous experience and am now working on issues of historic metal contamination at sites located immediately adjacent to the Mississippi River. Students in my group are studying metal contamination at a marsh that was formerly a Superfund site. For years, the marsh was a waterfowl hunting and shooting club. In 1991, the lead shot and contaminated sediment were removed and ownership was signed over to a local municipality. Believe it or not, after cleanup, there's little to no follow-up environmental surveillance at most former Superfund sites. This seemed like an interesting opportunity to study post-remediation recovery of a natural aquatic system.

Sampling marsh soil in early March. (The photo to the left was taken in August.)

We're also working at an adjacent site that contains an abandoned sand quarry. From the 1940s through the late 1960s, iron foundry slag was disposed of on the shore of this small lake. Some of the slag was covered with soil while other slag deposits have remained exposed to the atmosphere. Since iron foundry slag is known to contain elevated concentrations of iron, as well as cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc, we've been studying the ways metals partition into environmental compartments. This includes studies of surface and groundwater, sediment, soils, slag, and aquatic and terrestrial vegetation.

This photo was taken at the former sand quarry that's drained by iron slag that was deposited in the '40s through the late '60s.

So far, we've learned a number of interesting things about the persistence of metals in the environment, the extent to which previous remediation methods were able to provide sustainable solutions to historic pollution, as well as insights into the ability of naturally occurring vegetation to accumulate metals.

I've also spent a good deal of time rethinking everything I previously knew about the form and function of low-order streams. After working in West Virginia for years, I've come to associate headwater streams with relatively high slopes. This is consistent with the stream classification systems developed by hydrogeomorphologists. The lack of much/any slope in the middle of our nation leaves lots of room to contribute to our understanding of low-order alluvial channels in the upper Midwest. Likewise, since headwater streams (1st through 3rd order channels) account for almost 88% of the total stream length in the Upper Mississippi River basin, a better understanding of these low slope headwater channels is needed to improve how we address issues related to sediment transport and the reduction of downstream nutrient loading.

The magnitude of agricultural soil loss from unstable stream banks is something that needs to be seen, in person, to appreciate. The top photo is typical of the interface between streams and agricultural land in central Illinois. Just one step into the channel liberated enough fine sediment to completely obscure the presence of stream bed features (bottom left and right). After stepping into the channel, I found myself sinking in approximately 19 inches (~48 cm) of sediment. The suction that was created as sediment and water filled in around my boots and waders made it alarmingly difficult to move!

Research Support

A big part of conducting academic research is obtaining support to invest in advanced instrumentation, purchase chemicals, upgrade computers, and travel to and from field sites. Since I have a relatively broad base of expertise and interests, I've been able to develop an equally diverse range of research sponsors.

Summary of Research Funding

  • $5.7 M as principal investigator
  • $1.7 M as co-principal investigator

Representative Research Sponsors

  • IL Nutrient Research and Education Council
  • The City of Moline, IL
  • US Department of Agriculture
  • Federal Highways Administration and the West Virginia Division of Highways
  • National Science Foundation
  • Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
  • West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection


One of our responsibilities as researchers and educators is sharing the results of our work with others. Over my career, I've published over 40 papers in archival journals, authored 8 reviewed book chapters, edited 1 book, and collaborated with my students and colleagues on over 100 conference papers. If you're interested in specific information about my published work, you can find my full cv, on ResearchGate and/or on my ORCID page.

Recently, I was able to incorporate what I’ve learned as a teacher and researcher into a book that establishes a shared vocabulary and toolsets needed to understand and model aquatic and riparian environments as a system of connected compartments under ideal and less-than-ideal field conditions. As part of this work, I provide significant emphasis on the relationships between water, energy, and food production to illustrate the centrality of these issues to sustaining life on Earth. “Aquatic Environmental Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Scientists and Engineers,” will be published by Taylor and Francis in December 2023.

I'm an Administrator, too.

While I love working with my students in the lab, the classroom, and the field, my position as IES Director and chair of WIU's Environmental Science Ph.D. Program has a significant amount of administrative responsibility. On a daily basis, I'm responsible for managing the budget, ensuring student progress through their plans of study, program assessment, budgeting (and re-budgeting and re-re-budgeting), personnel recruitment and supervision, and cultivating meaningful relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Of course, this involves attending lots of meetings and writing plenty of memos. While some of my day-to-day work doesn't sound especially exciting, I find it professionally rewarding to have a significant role in the development and delivery of unique academic programs that are in demand by students and recognized for their quality and high impact.

"I love it when a plan comes together." -Col. John "Hannibal" Smith in the A-Team

"Interdisciplinary" isn't a four letter word.

In my experience, developing interdisciplinary academic programs is relatively easy. Most people recognize the benefits of addressing issues that cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries by involving people with expertise from other areas. In contrast, it can be substantially more challenging to maintain enthusiasm and long term commitments for efforts that don't necessarily contribute directly to the mission of any single department. I've been fortunate to have had a number of positive experiences in developing sustainable interdisciplinary efforts that have largely been due to a willingness of institutions to try new things make improvements as programs grow. I'm glad to say that this is the way things are supposed to work.

As the chair of an interdisciplinary academic unit, I rely heavily on my colleagues to help me ensure we're engaging faculty and students from across the university in our programs. Their collective support for interdisciplinary programs has been invaluable to maintaining the health and well being of our undergraduate minor in environmental studies. This general spirit of collaboration has also contributed substantially to the development and delivery of WIU's Ph.D. program in environmental science.

Our Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science

A New Program on a New Campus

I mentioned earlier that the opportunity to develop a Ph.D. program was a major factor that attracted me to my current position at WIU - definitely a unique opportunity. After several years of working with my colleagues from across the university as well as stakeholders from regional resource management agencies and nongovernmental organizations, we were able to begin offering the Ph.D. in Environmental science in Fall 2014. We were fortunate to be able to welcome our first class of Ph.D. students to our brand new riverfront campus located in Moline, IL. As part of the design process, those of us who have laboratories in the new facility were able to work with the architects and engineers to tailor our labs to suit our work while also maintaining flexibility for the future. Here are a few photos I took in March 2014 while the facility was under construction:

QCC 1226 is our wet laboratory. This room has a Mississippi River view.
A view into the adjacent prep room, QCC 1202.
The hi-lift is located directly over my office.

Needless to say, these rooms look much different now. For example, the vacant room in the top photo now houses two chemical fume hoods, two ceiling-mounted exhaust extractors, two convection drying ovens, a muffle furnace, ultraviolet-visible light spectrophotometers, an EMD Millipore Elix 10 water purification system, a Thermo Scientific iCE 3300 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer with a 250 position autosampler, two Mettler-Toledo autotitrators, and a Sorvall centrifuge.

Our Students

This is an interdisciplinary program where student-scientists can grow their knowledge, skills, and abilities while advancing our understanding of complex large river ecosystems from the heart of the Upper Mississippi River basin.

Currently, we have seven students with undergraduate and master's degrees in agricultural science, horticulture, microbiology, and zoology. Many of these students either have or are in the process of completing post baccalaureate certificates in Geographic Information Science (GIS).

I began making this digital story as a way to let people know what I do without having to wade through a long and detailed curriculum vitae. I think I should stop my story here before it becomes even longer than my cv!

If you'd like to get in touch with me, feel free to send me an email at You can also call the office at 309/298.2040, but email usually works best since I spend lots of time in the field and am often traveling between campuses.