
DAY 1: Live Today

I would be the first person to tell you to prepare for the future. Though that is important, you need to live in this moment. Sometimes it is easy to look so far ahead that you miss the beauty of today. If you want to be excited about life, love the moments of today. I promise you if you're going to be inspired, you must cherish today as if it was the greatest gift on earth. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 2: Who Are You Serving?

Life is about one thing: SERVICE. Who are you going to serve today? Who have you served in the past week? When we help others, we always feel better about ourselves. Also, it takes some of the focus off of you and places it on other people. Remember, when you help other people get what they want, you will get what you want. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day: 3 Step Outside of You

I will be the first one to admit that I love comfort. I tend to eat and do the things that make me comfortable. Also, I will admit that I get inspired when I participate in activities that make me step outside of my natural self. It does not matter if it is something small or something big. When you step outside yourself consistently, you begin to grow as a person. Through growth, you will be inspired to do more! LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 4: Adjust Your Attitude

Inspiration is something that comes from within. When you are inspired, you have an inspired attitude. Thus, if you want to be inspired today, change your current attitude. Try to look at all situations from multiple perspectives. Avoid hanging on to the perspective that makes you feel like shit. That won't help you. If you want today to be inspirational, then make sure your attitude is matching the feelings you desire. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 5: Listen and Watch To Inspiration

Yes, inspiration is something from within, but we can help our inspirational attitude by what we listen to and watch too! Look, go to youtube or a podcast and listen or watch and inspirational message every day. Here are a couple of people that have inspired me: Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Dr. Myles Munroe, Eric Thomas, and Zig Ziglar. I am not telling you who to watch or listen to, but I am encouraging you to listen to someone daily to inspire you to greater heights. LIVE INSPIRED!

This is one of my favorite videos! LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 6: Document Your Thoughts

One of the greatest things I have started doing this year is journaling. Why? It allows me to get the thoughts out of my head that I can't tell anyone. It allows me to be free and authentic with my expression. Also, I can read in the future about my past and gain inspiration from my words. Lastly, it is one of the best stress relievers because I don't keep in the negative emotions, but instead, I release them regularly. Journaling helps me to stay inspired and happy. Take five to ten minutes today and start journaling. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 7: Sharing Is Caring

Along with journaling, find people in your life that love you authentically and share positive and inspirational ideas with them. If you know something that they don't know, share the good news. Anytime you learn something, you have to share it with others. It is not your information to have, but your inspiration to share. You never know the impact your positive insights will have on others. Take five to ten minutes today and start sharing. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 8: Change The World

This idea of changing the world may sound crazy but read this first. Think about what you do well and how you do it and give it to the world. When you are working in your special gift, you inspire others to work in their unique gift, thus changing the world. So today, do something to change the world for the better. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 9: Communicate Your Inspiration

On Day 7, I encouraged you to share your inspiration with other people. Today, I am inviting you to tell others thank you for inspiring you. Communicating with other people that they have inspired you will make you feel good and, more importantly, it will make those who inspired you feel even better! Today send a text, make a call, or send a social media post to those that have inspired your greatness. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 10: Admire Nature

For some of you, this may sound corny. Today, I want you to admire nature. Whether it is raining or sunny, I am encouraging you to respect the natural environment. Look at the leaves, feel the sunshine, or the fresh, crisp air on your face. Get inspired by the beauty around you. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 11: Celebrate Your Accomplishments

I love this one. Today, take time to celebrate the accomplishments in your life. It is really easy to beat yourself up over things you did not accomplish, but pick yourself up, by celebrating the things you have already accomplished. Today, reflect on your past success, despite the accomplishment and "pat yourself on the back" for a job well done. Most people look at the past with regret, but I am encouraging you to look at your past for inspiration. If you look long enough, you will find it. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 12: So Clean

This may sound crazy, but when I clean, I get inspired. For example, I love cleaning my car, but more importantly, I love cleaning the inside of my car. A clean environment can breed new ideas and also helps you gain clarity. Trust me, if you clear out the clutter, you will clear your mind. Try it. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 13: Learn More

I love and enjoy learning. I really do. Today, I want you to investigate something you are curious about and learn something new. Look, the more you know, the more you can share. As your knowledge grows, you will also grow as a person. You will develop your capacity to help and serve others, which is a small step toward gaining inspiration. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 14: No Complaining!

I will tell you; no one is ever inspired by constant complaining. Wither you are verbalizing or listening to it; no inspiration is gained by complaining. So, today, avoid complaining about areas you have no control in life. Complaining will attract other people that love to complain, which equals MORE complaining. On the other hand , if you have control, then exercise that control and find a solution to your problem. Now that is inspiration! LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 15: Mind Your Own Business

Today, do yourself a huge favor, mind your business. Everyone has there own problems, but that does not mean that they are your problems. There are three types of businesses: GOD's business, your business, and other people's business. You see, you can't control GOD's business and you can't control my business. So you are only left with your business and put your mind on your business. Not every fire that enters your life is specifically for you. Sometimes it is passing through. Today, concern yourself with your growth, your mindset, and your actions. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 16: Take A Small Step

In the last point, we reflected on minding our own business. In minding your own business, one thing you can do is take a small step toward your goal or dream. Even if you are experiencing your vision, make another small step toward another goal. When I suggest small, I really mean a small step. For example, you could send an email, do some research, or make a phone call. Do something today to move you forward tomorrow. When you take a small step every day, you will reach your goal before you know it. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 17: Create Your G-List

This is another important one. I want you to make a list of the things you are grateful for right now. Today, take a moment and write down the five to ten things of the things you have, all you’ve achieved, and ask what means the most to you. Ok, stop reading and start writing, you will find inspiration. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 18: Ask A Question: What is my Purpose??

Here is a question, we either avoid or don't ask: what is my purpose for living? Today, I would like you to consider your purpose for living. Why? When you know your purpose, you will find inspiration in the actions you take to fulfill that purpose. I know it it is a deep question, but I encourage you to consider what is your purpose for living. What comes easy to you? What are your strengths? What do you do better than most? Those are questions to ask to help you locate your purpose. Find Your Purpose. Live Your Purpose. Share Your Purpose. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 19: Look At Your Vision

Today, it is one of the most important days of inspiration. TODAY, I want to consider what do you see when you close your eyes. The greatest danger to your vision is what you see with your eyes. Why?? Vision is what you see in your mind, not with your eyes. Your vision can relieve your present, but your vision can provide insight to your future. What do you see when you close your eyes?? Again, what do you see when you close your eyes?? Today, close your eyes and look at your vision. Today, dream about a better tomorrow. Don't let the ills of today, kill the blessings of tomorrow. LIVE INSPIRED!

Watch The Video!

Day 20: Mediate

Calm the Mind! Today, I would like for you to take five to ten minutes and meditate. I have found that meditating allows for my mind to slow down and calm down. I promise you that if you incorporate meditation into your life consistently, you will feel LESS stress and more empowered. LIVE INSPIRED!

Watch the video to learn exactly how to meditate.

Day 21: Feed The Spirit

Today, I am encouraging you to feed your spirit. Now, I am not telling you to believe in any particular religion, but I am inviting you to read or listen to something that touches your spirit. You are not just skin and bones, but instead, you are a spirit trapped in your skin and bones. You will feel better and inspired when your spirit is nurtured. You could read or listen to the Holy Bible, Tao Te Ching, or The Holy Koran (Qur'an) or whatever fills the spirt to full capacity. Feed the spirit, and your spirit will feed you. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 22: Just FLOW

Today, work in your FLOW. Flow means finding the thing you love to do so much that you can lose yourself in it for hours. When I am in my flow, I am speaking, creating, teaching, or playing ball. What is your flow?? What can you do for hours and lose yourself in the activity? Find it and do it today. LIVE INSPIRED!

( On a side note, that thing you would do for hours is probably your strength).

Day 23: Write Out The Vision

When it is all said and done, what do you want to do with your life? A couple of days ago, I encouraged you to close your eyes and look at your vision. Now, you have had a chance to look at it, now write it out. Someone gave me this advice when I was searching for direction in my life. At the end of my writing, I was SO hyped and excited for what the future held for me. Today, write out as clearly as you can about what the future looks like for you. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 24: Create a Dream (Vision) Board

Seeing is believing! So today, I want you to create a dream board. Why a dream board?? The vision that you have in your head becomes even more real when you can see it daily. When I wake up every morning, I look at my vision board. Just looking at my vision board, my mind is right, and my thoughts are focused. Some of you are wondering how to create a vision board. It is simple. All you do is use your notes app on your phone and copy and paste pictures that illustrate your vision for life. If you have a dream house, copy it to your vision board, or if you want a particular job or position, copy an image that will remind you of that position or job. It's super SIMPLE! Happy Creation!


Day 25: Exercise

If you want to be inspired today, I will encourage you to move your body. I can't stress it enough the importance of exercising daily. When your body is tight and right, you will feel better about yourself. Also, when you see your body change, you will transfer that energy to other things in life. Enough reading now burn some calories and break a sweat. You won't regret it. LIVE INSPIRED!

Just in Case You Need an EXTRA Push!- Much Love!

Day 26: Be Simplistic

Today, I would encourage you to seek simplicity. Sometimes in life, we over-think and underachieve. This creates frustration, self-doubt, and kills your inspiration. So instead, I am encouraging you to be simple. Meaning if you a fearful of action, then don't over-think, do it. Just be simple. Today, avoid overthinking, but instead, do it. Go for it. If something is complicated to you, break it down to it's most simplistic form and take action. Just ask yourself this question, what is the most straightforward action I can take? LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 27: Make Today - Thanksgiving

One of my favorite holidays of the year is Thanksgiving. Why? On Thanksgiving, that is a time to eat great food and be in the presence of friends and family. In all of my years on this earth, I have never felt bad being around the people I care about while sharing a meal. So, today, make it Thanksgiving. Contact a couple of friends and/or family and share a meal. If that is not possible, call someone that you have not spoken in some time and chat with them. We should make every day Thanksgiving, not just one day out of the year. You will be inspired by being around people that you love. LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 28 I. Love. Me.

Today, I am encouraging you to write 10-20 things you love about yourself. Yes! Today, list all of the qualities and strengths that you are proud of. If this is your first time doing something like this, it may take you a little longer to complete. Also, I am asking you to brag on yourself and the gifts you bring to this world every day. As humans, we can tell ourselves and others of all the things we need to work on, but rarely do we express the greatness we possess. Once you write 20 things you love about you, then increase to 25 to 30 to 35 and so on. Start writing! LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 29: Feel Good.

Today, only do things that will make you feel good about yourself. What do I mean? Watch, listen, talk, and think about things that make you feel good. Eat food that makes you feel good. I am not referring to activities that have a temporary effect, like drinking, smoking, eating junk food or gossiping. Nope! I am talking about actions and thoughts that will make you feel empowered! I am talking about activities that will make you feel amazing when you rest your head at the end of the day. Try it! You won't be disappointed! LIVE INSPIRED!

Day 30: REPEAT!

You have reached DAY 30. Congratulations! Today, start from DAY 1 and repeat the entire 30 days over. LIVE INSPIRED!



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