Life At Macy's MACKENZIE

The world of retail is a vast environment with tons of opportunities to learn, grow, and become a leader, as #LifeAtMacys is more than just selling pants and sweaters.

Meet Mackenzie, Store Planner and this is her #LifeAtMacys…

What does your role at Macy’s entail?

I am a part of the team that researches and develops plans for Macy's Backstage locations across the United States.

What’s a typical day look like for you?

On a typical day, I begin catching up with team members on goals and objectives and assessing what priorities need to be executed. Backstage is a very complex “animal” that requires full coordination of information throughout the team. Once we all have assigned objectives, we execute them and regroup for discussion/vetting. The day to day tasks vary and are rarely the same.

What inspires your work?

I have always been a very dedicated and efficient employee. I believe a lot of it has to do with the way I was raised and watching my father become the successful man he is. I have always wanted to follow in his footsteps and climb to the top of the corporate ladder.

What opportunities to grow in your career or as a leader has Macy’s offered you?

I have been an active member of GO Green ERG since I was hired. I think it is very important to expose our fellow coworkers to the many ways to give back and conserve the environment. The connections and learnings from GO Green events can be carried not only from company to company, but also throughout the surrounding communities.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

I am very passionate about art and nature so anything and everything that can tie those two together is what I could be doing on a day off from work.

What makes Macy’s a great place to work for you?

The people and the environment make this a great place to work. I get along very well with all of my superiors and coworkers, which in return makes the work days go smoothly.

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