Dreamtime Storyboard By Tom matthews

The camera moves forward through a field of neurons. Small pulses of light travel between them rapidly/
Another shot of the same field of neurons with the name of one of the characters strung out between two of the neurons as the camera pans right.
The camera now travels up a circuit board, again pulses of light can be seen traveling along the tracers between the various nodes.
The name of the next character can be seen spelled out from the tracers, with the light pulses seeming amplified as they travel through that parts of the tracers that spell out the name. The camera slowly zooms out.
A plug can be seen attached to a socket on the wall. The camera slowly moves right.
The plug is pulled out of the wall by some unseen force as sparks of electricity arc from the plug to the socket spelling out the name of the third character in the process.
The view is now split into three views, one side contains the field of neurons, the middle made up of the circuit board and the right side containing plugs connected to the wall in various places. The title is spelled across the center made up of the various forms it has been seen in.
Original Storyboard


Created with images by sulk. - "Dream"

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