KELLY EASON Primary School teacher

Why do I want to work at

St. Joseph's...

Why do I want to work at St. Joseph's...

  • Committed to teaching
  • Strongly believe in the values and beliefs of the School
  • Enjoy the School wide feeling of community
  • Enjoy teaching in a small rural School
  • Share my expertise with the School while family members are there.

What can I offer

St. Joseph's

What can I offer St Joseph's

  • Experience in different settings, working alongside different colleagues and during my time have experienced different teaching styles
  • Strength and experience in the Junior area of the School - my favourite age
  • Motivated and committed to teaching
  • Working within a team
  • Ensure children are involved in positive achievements
  • Offer a programme that caters for individual learning needs and interests
  • Take responsibility for leading subject areas
  • Experience and knowledge with ICT

How do I manage my professional development

  • Reflective of my practices and willingly explore new teaching ideas
  • Having a positive growth mindset, to my own learning using the same expectations on myself as I would with my children
  • Reading other teachers blogs and learning journeys
  • Facebook, the countless teaching website which I belong to
  • Worked hard to update myself in my own time through professional reading
  • Spent many hours this year with Steve Howes becoming learning about, and developing a working knowledge of google Drive and Classroom. Both Simon and Steve will vouch for the fact that think outside the box with digital learning ‘often asking really good questions’.
  • Developing my understanding of Spirals of Inquiry and the Teaching as Inquiry process as a means of reflecting on my teaching and learning experiences and how these relate to achievement levels
  • Challenge myself to be creative and innovative to integrate modern trends e.g. core.ed

My Overall teacher Judgement - how do I make these?

My Overall teacher Judgement - how do I make these?

  • Relate achievements back to National standards, Literacy and Numeracy progressions
  • Using Key Competencies to raise children's awareness of their own learning - monitor and provide evidence of each area
  • Employing appropriate assessment schedule
  • Discussions with fellow staff members regarding my overall teacher judgments
  • Use either Spirals of Learning or Teaching as Inquiry Process to evaluate learning and achievements
  • Strong relationships with children allows you to consider the human perspective to teaching
  • Student voice, important to get the child’s feedback about how their learning is progressing, their achievements, their own goals and reflections, making them feel part of the learning process
  • Listen carefully to the people involved with the child include their judgements, snippets of information e.g. Nans sick etc and how that will influence affect the situation.

School activities I’d like to organise...

  • Involvement with Enviroschools programme
  • Development of the outside area e.g. bike track,
  • Experimentation zones - make and create
  • Activities that support the special character of the School e.g. Mary Mackillop Day
  • Happy to organise and actively participate in any activities
  • Active Movement activities that use a multi sensory approach to learning - strengthen learning

My Weaknesses...

  • Set high standards for myself
  • Dedicated and conscious - being committed to completing tasks thoroughly
  • Collecting too many good ideas and forgetting to use these
  • Speeding too many hours on facebook ( teacher related sites), going off on tangents exploring new ideas
  • Organisation of my teaching resources on my computer … Google Drive is hopefully remedying this
  • ‘Yes’ person rather than a ‘no’ person, as I don’t like to upset others.
  • Talk through my reflects with colleagues, but not recording these in the same detail


• Keen to contribute to the corporate life of the school and are supportive of the special character.

• Aim to provide a positive role model with strong Christian beliefs. I’m a member of the parish and support this link with the school.

• Able to work cooperatively, lead effectively and eagerly take on new challenges and responsibilities, showing initiative and enthusiasm. Working within a team is one of my strengths.

• Well organized, self-motivated.

• Looking forward to participating fully in school wide activities, leading curriculum areas and sharing my expertise.

Committed to developing my knowledge about current teaching philosophies. I am eager to participate fully with professional learning and am committed to challenging myself further as a teacher.

• As a member of this rural School community, I would aim to actively promote the school character within the wider community. I believe my knowledge and involvement with the School and wider community would be an advantage to the students. I play an active role with community activities and believe this will bring further expertise to the teaching position.

Created By
Kelly Eason

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