Juana Solana Fernandez 1-Matapat

Grade 1 is fun because you get to have more friends and classmates.

I love Raya because it is nice. We get to learn subjects.

What do you enjoy the most in Grade 1?

Picking of jobs, getting new friends and classmates are some of the things that I enjoy.

What do you enjoy the least in Grade 1?

I don't like when somebody takes my stuff without asking or when they always yell at me.

1-Matapat is nice and I like the section's name.

What are your favorite subjects?

I like Science because it helps you with experiments. I like Occupations too because you get to be creative with paper. Health is also fun because it teaches you how to be healthy.

What are your least favorite subjects?

None. :)

What can you say about your exams?

I'm happy because I only got one mistakes and zero mistake. I studied hard and I had a hard time memorizing.

From my scores, I can tell that I am good in Science, English, Filipino, and Math.

My Friends

Olin, Sky, Zoey, Sahaya, Kaya, Anton, Blue, Xam, Miguel, Jullian, Joax are my close friends because they are friendly.

Events in School

Pagpupugay kay Rizal

Talent Show

My talent is dancing. I like my talent because it makes me groove. I also like my classmates' (Anton, Sahaya, Joax, Xam, Sky, Jullian, Miguel) talents because their talents are amazing.

Parent Visitors

I learned that our families are not all the same.

Manila Field Trip

I had fun in Museo Pambata. My favorite part was playing and learning.

National Children's Book Day

Ako si Kutitap mula sa Dindo Pundido. In the workshop, I learned that we have to make stable and proper houses.

Home Visit at My Home

I had so much fun with my 1-Matapat Family.

Volcano Project

One thing I learned: Volcanoes are dangerous and their lava is hot and that it can burn you. What I want to know: How many volcanoes are there in the whole world?

Play Date with Brgy. Sacred Heart Kids

It was fun preparing snacks and helping the kids.

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