Mr. Hubler Weekly Update 12/2/16

Hello Eagles!

This week was a week of completion. We completed units that we started last week in the math classes and we dove deeper into visualizing time in learning strategies.

Hufflepuff won the House Cup last week! Congratulations Hufflepuffs!


December Calendar for Math 2 (4th Period)

This week we learned how to order integers from least to greatest.

Coming up next week, we will be learning about inequalities.

Math 3

December Calendar for Math 3 (2nd and 5th Periods)

This week we learned about the how to simplify fractions using the greatest common factor.

Next week we will look at how to find the unit rate of real-world situations.

Learning Strategies

December Calendar for Learning Strategies (6th Period)

This week in Learning Strategies we spent a lot of time looking at time. Students made lists of their weekly activities and filled out a weekly schedule.

Next week, we will continue to work through the Seeing My Time workbook and work on staying on top of our assignments.

Who will win the House Cup next?

Coming Up!

We only have 2 weeks before winter vacation. Let's finish off 2016 strong!

Contact Me

If you ever need to contact me here are a few ways you can reach me.

Phone: 503-844-1400 ext. 3919


Website: Click here to go to my website where you can find a contact form that will send me an email.

Have a fun and safe weekend!
Created By
Mr. Hubler


Created with images by Schico1 - "winter snow december" • Zach Dischner - "Fog in the Valley, Candle in the Sky"

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