The way I found out about my feelings! the story of an emotional journey

This is Ataturk Airport, Istanbul, We are on our way to Canada from Iran

After a few months of arriving to Canada, I felt aimless and so I did what I always wanted to do...

I started documentary film making

I had abandoned my mother when I moved to Canada, so soon after we settled, I brought her for a visit. But this is not an ordinary visit. It triggered some deep feelings.

My mom's visit, brought me a world of mixed fillings. Every opposite feelings one might experience.

I wanted to leave a heritage for my children.

My children who are now living 15 hours of flight away from where they were born. They should know their grandparents. The way I never knew my parents.

"I want to make a documentary on how life has made me the person I am"

It took me eight months to make a 12 minute documentary about the things I only thought I knew so well. As it turns out, I had no idea about my parents pasts. I just knew them but never felt them!

This is me on the night of the screening. I was so proud of myself. To have been able to play the role of a mother, daughter, wife, student and a filmmaker. I did it! I discovered my feelings. I feel so in peace.

it may only be a 12 minute film to others but to me, it's a miracle, the miracle of acceptance. Those who have been there know what I mean.

If I only can give one credit to this documentary is honesty.... it is an honest narrative of a mother-daughter story which I guess many can relate to. take the time to watch it, let me know what you think!

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