A Journey to Today

This is my hometown Wuhan, a big modern city located by the Yangtze River in central China.

Just like every other kid in this country, I studied to participate the college entrance exam, Gaokao.

I didn't do well enough in Gaokao, so I didn't go to my dream school. I listened to my father's advice and picked Computer Science as my undergraduate major before I actually went to college.

Soon I found myself hate it although I ranked the 1st place in class. How soon was that? By the end of the first semester of freshman year.
So I tried out different part time jobs, talked to wise people, and volunteered at different events. I want to find out what is it for me to feel fulfilled.
I found it was EDUCATION that I felt truly interested in.
It felt like an open door and I made myself to TC three years later for graduate school.

This is how I started the journey to Teachers College today, and how I transformed myself from an unhappy computer programmer to a happy educator!


Created with images by kenner116 - "IMG_1494" • huneycuttaddison - "Wuhan" • kenner116 - "IMG_1494" • toehk - "wuhan east lake / idajärv" • Pexels - "code code editor coding" • Upward Bound Edison State College - "Tutoring" • MDGovpics - "Pre School Pilot Site to Promote Expansion of High Quality Pre K" • skeeze - "albert einstein man physicist" • @yakobusan Jakob Montrasio 孟亚柯 - "Enjoy It While It Lasts." • Got Credit - "Education Key" • neshom - "door open wooden" • ahisgett - "Teachers College Columbia University"

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