The history behind the odyssey

  • What was the Trojan war?
  • Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece.
  • How did the war start and end?
  • The war started because the Trojan prince Paris took Menelaus's wife Queen Helen from him.It ended when the Greeks defeated Troy using the wooden horse.The hollow wooden horse helped Greeks to gain entry inside the city walls of Troy.
  • Who were the major players in the war?
  • The major players were Achilles, Paris, Helen, Odysseus, Menelaus, Agamemnon, calchas, Palamedes, and Hector.
  • How does the odyssey relate to it?
  • It relates because the Odysseus was in the odyssey and he was in the Trojan war too so they both have the same idea.
  • Who is Homer?
  • Homer semi-legendary author of the two epic poems.

Trojan war was an epic war.The winning of the Greeks was very tricky because they tricked the Trojans by sending them a wooden horse as a present and then hid inside it to get the entry inside the Troy city walls.

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