communicate for effective leadership

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” – James Humes

Communication is the most important skill any leader can possess. In fact, the quality of your success in business depends directly on the quality of your communication with others and in that respect communication is not about your work; it IS your work.

And it’s not just about speaking, writing or reading, but hearing and understanding what is being said – and in some cases what is not being said. Communication skills in all forms need to be worked at and improved to ensure that you understand people and they understand you.

So how is your communication? Are you better than you think or is there room for improvement?

“When we aren't curious in conversations we judge, tell, blame and even shame, often without even knowing it, which leads to conflict." ― Kirsten Siggins

Here are 7 keys to Improved Communication. use them to identity where you can improve.

Be curious in your communications
  1. Understand to be understood. If want to grow and lead with impact, effectiveness and authenticity, knowing your team is essential. By knowing the commitments, aspirations and style of each employee, each team member, it is easier to understand how best to engage, envision and empower them. Take time to know your team, listen well and engage in powerful conversations that could make all the difference. It is better to risk failiarlity than be condemned for being remote, uncaring and aloof. Develop in your emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence requires you care, it requires empathy and the ability to make others know they are being heard, to be feel valued and understood.
  2. Have Courageous Conversations. Consider those conversations are you avoiding? They could be the most important ones - the conversations that matter most. These are often the courageous conversations which allow for you to engage and understand your team. Those who get the best out of their team include positive, frequent, frequent, honest, courageous conversations. Conversations that include authentic feedback, challenge goals, motivate, engage and help others to grow and develop.
  3. Share information effectively. The best way to empower others is to impart information, allowing for autonomy and for individuals to act on information given. Be aware of the best ways of communication for your team - one size doesn't fit all.
  4. Listen. Powerful communication involves active listening. Listening is the fuel of great communication. Often been called the forgotten skill, you cannot afford not to be a good listener as a leader. It is the thoughtful attention to another person when they are speaking or communicating in other ways. It is being open to what another person is saying. Assess your listening skills.
  5. Be Present. Do you pay attention to others when they are talking? Or are you a selective listener, turning a 'deaf ear' certain types of information you don't want to hear? Do you believe that everyone has something of value to teach or impact to you? Do you take an interest in someone when you first meet, trying to find an area of mutual interest? Are you curious? Interested in people, ideas and new things? Are you aware of your own prejudices and patenint with poor communicators? Are you a continual interrupter? More concerned about getting your point across and not actually respond to what is being said?
  6. Speak up. Speaking up with assertiveness, with confidence and without being confrontational is essential for your leadership presence and increasing visibility if you are to make a impact, communicate information, your point and influence decisions. The more you practice this skill, the greater your confidence. Worry less about whether you will be approved of. You do not need permission to have a view and to share it, in fact you do not need permission to be you. Believe in yourself, don not be afraid to be who you are and get into the game. You are not there until everyone else knows it too.
  7. Develop great public speaking skills. Speaking skills have been identified as one of the most important communication skills for leaders wt presence, and and effectiveness. As a leader you must be great when dealing with the a broad range of groups and situations from board meetings, conferences to the press and in front of groups, teams as well as on a one to one based.

Now assess your own communication skills and strive to improve.

Ask yourself ...

  • Am I a good communicator?
  • How well do I listen? Do I practice listening and silence in my communications?
  • How influential am I?
  • Do I know my voice?
  • Do I speak up? Do I fear speaking up? Where do I need to improve?
  • Do I listen well? Am I present?
  • Do I have the confidence to speak up in meetings, to deliver presentations and manage logistics and people in meetings effectively?
  • Do I engage well one to one communications, seeking to understand?

Communication matters.

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others" - Anthony Robbins
Created By
Marcia Buxton

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