Florida Museum of Natural History Sam Goldstein

The exhibit of DNA extraction in animals was very interesting. The scientists extract the DNA from butterflies and other animals and use PCR to multiply the DNA for better examination. This exhibit displays how man plays a role in shaping the natural world by seeing a research lab first hand. I leaned that scientists play an active role in analyzing butterfly DNA to better understand the species. The exhibit was special because it shows how an amazing molecule such as DNA can create the intricate design of a butterfly. The natural world is amazing.
This exhibit on climate change show our ethical duty to preserve the environment as we caused the current issues. The museum showed me how precious organism's lives are and how important it is to preserve them. Our industrial growth has adverse effects on organisms and we must do all we can to stop these adverse effects. Me and many other people visiting the museum admire the amazing life forms presented and reflect on how important their lives are. In a sense, these life forms allow us to live the Goodlife by showing the amazing world we live in. As Leopold, suggests, people must appreciate nature to conserve it. We must convey to others how amazing the natural world is so that they will have a desire to preserve it as well.
Walking through the butterfly garden allowed me to feel one with nature. I became submerged in a natural world different from what I was used to. I was surrounded by vivid butterflies flying around me. The garden showed me how important the natural world is in living the Goodlife and how important it is for us to preserve it. Herschel was certainly right that we must take time out of our daily lives to enjoy nature.

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