New wordpress site, new outlook on life after arriving back in Los Angeles from San Diego.

It was a tumultuous two weeks getting to and from San Diego. At first, I was going to try to make it to Santa Barbara to get to free museum day on the 31st, but I was offered a couch to crash on at my former client's home in San Diego. In between getting sick a few times and about 100 miles worth of street hiking and exploration for the two week period, I formulated a few goals and adjustments for my life, based on some of the revelations I received and opportunities I ran into:

I can become a successful social media content creator / marketing copywriter.

My digital line art pigeon piece on instagram had significantly grown my organic following over the course of the past two weeks, and I received a relatively large amount of likes, in comparison to my standard posts. It's inspirational to know that my efforts in creating digital illustration and photography art on my iPhone 7 Plus and my iPad Pro are not going to waste.

My online portfolio

I'm establishing my online art portfolio on Behance and using the Adobe Creative Cloud to sync and update my work in real time. I've found Adobe's lines of iOS apps to be elegant and stable in producing reliable results.

San Diego might have a lot to offer someone like me.

San Diego has a lot of unique opportunities for continuing education. Apparently they have free and even compensated learning programs for people in the Automotive, Business, Child Development, Citizenship, Community Education, Computer / IT, Culinary Arts, Disability Support, Electronics, Emeritus, English as a Second Language (ESL), Fashion, HVAC, Healthcare, High School Diploma / Equivalency, Plumbing, Upholstery, and Welding.


Los angeles

is where my roots are.

Created By
Jay Ammon


Jay Ammon

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