The aRchitecture of worship Made by: Chiara Arya

Notre-Dame Cathedral. Located in Paris, France. It's also called "Our lady in Paris." It was constructed during the gothic period.
The Blue mosque or Sultan Ahmed Mosque. It is located in Istanbul, Turkey. It still functions as a mosque today and it is a popular tourist destination for the architecture
The Wailing Wall or the Western Wall. Located in Jerusalem. The wall was once part of the protection of the second temple. The courtyard facing th wall serves as a synagogue.
One of the temples in the Temple Complex, Located in Kanchipuram, India.
Candi Borobudur. Located in Magelang, Indonesia. It is the one of the largest Buddhist monument in the world.

Similarities and Differences:

These five structures of worship was constructed long time ago and have grand architecture or one have. For the Notre-Dame, Blue Mosque, the Temple Complex and Borobudur, they are built very big and long lasting. They have this architecture that seems to amaze people and they look grand. All these structures have different type of architecture, but all of them have a great sense of importance. The cathedral is more like a building that have very intricate designs. The mosque is more of some shaped building put together. It have symmetry. The wailing wall is just a wall, no interesting architecture besides it it is still there for many years. One of the temples from the temple complex is a monument rather than a building. It has different people depicted on their walls outside. The Borobudur is also a monument rather than a building, it have the same structure on every side, similar to the blue mosque. All these worship sites look different because the religion demands different things for the worship sites.


Created with images by hurk - "synagogue brighton church" • afrelich - "mosque istanbul turkey" • kellinahandbasket - "Wailing Wall/ Western Wall" • weareaway - "temple hindu religion" • qwertyvied - "borobudur temple indonesia"

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